Thinking Of Making A Big Move? Here Are 5 Tips That Will Help You Prepare

August 4, 2015 | Posted at 5:25 pm | by Christianne (Follow User)

This is a crucial moment for you.

You’re trying to decide if you should go to that college out of state, or maybe take that job overseas.

The world is at your fingertips and you’re more than ready to embark on the next chapter of your life away from the comfort of home and into the exciting unknown.

If this is the case for you, then that’s awesome! Get ready for a great adventure- maybe even an adventure of a lifetime.

Choosing to move away will come with its ups and downs and a packed list of life experiences. You’ll grow as a person emotionally, spiritually and mentally. You’ll learn to live on your own, and grow into your own person.

Know that YOU CAN DO IT! Moving away, even if just for a temporary period of time, can be very daunting, especially if you’re close to your family. Please know that you have the power within yourself to do anything you set you mind to. If you really feel that this is the best move for you, then go for it!

With that being said, the actual process of deciding to make the move is not always easy. If you’re on the fence, here are a few things to take into consideration and think about to help you decide which new city, state or country will be the best fit for you.

1. Size and Demographics. Are you a big-city person or do you envision yourself in a tiny little town with cobblestone roads? This is a very important factor when making your decision. When deciding where and if to move to a certain location, making sure it fits your personality is very important- especially when it comes to the size and population. Although, if you are moving just for a short period of time, mixing it up a bit and going somewhere that is totally opposite of what you usually would go for is a great learning experience- trust me! Another important factor to think about are the demographics of the city or town, especially if you love being in places that are culturally diverse.

(Photo: NYC Stocker, iStockphoto/ Thinkstock)

(Photo: NYC Stocker, iStockphoto/ Thinkstock)

2. Transportation. This is often an over-looked factor when deciding to move away. For most people taking a car with them to a new place is not an option for multiple reasons. If this is the case for you, does the town you’re considering have reliable and easily accessible public transportation or car-pooling programs? For some of you this may not be a “make-it or break-it” factor. However for the rest of you, this is something to definitely think about, especially if you have a class, internship or a job to get to.

(Photo: Monkey Business Images, IStockphoto/ Thinkstock)

(Photo: Monkey Business Images, IStockphoto/ Thinkstock)

3. Culture. This is always the best part about moving away. Every town and city has their own diverse culture, mind-set and way of living. When you move, the most fascinating and exciting part will be living with and learning from people who live and think way differently than you. When deciding on a place to move to, does that new city/town fit culturally with what you are looking for and what you want to experience? Trust me, even if you’re moving within your own country, you’ll still experience a “culture shock” of some sort.

(Photo: iStockphoto/ Thinkstock)

(Photo: iStockphoto/ Thinkstock)

4. Weather. On a personal note, I would advise anyone to definitely take weather into consideration, but to not make it the deciding factor when moving away. When I moved out of state, everyone told me that I’d hate the snow and to be careful with the crazy rain and tornadoes. And I can tell you now that all of this was false! I ended up loving the snow, I got to experience beautiful, amazing lighting storms like out of a National Geographic photo and I did not witness any tornadoes. Don’t let anyone scare you away from your move. You’ll learn to adapt to new weather in time, especially when you see all the locals continue to live their day-to-day lives despite the harsh forecasts. However, if you are set on going somewhere that’s sunny all the time, maybe somewhere with the four seasons won’t make the cut, or vice versa. Overall, weather is something to think about.

(Photo: iStockphoto/ Thinkstock)

(Photo: iStockphoto/ Thinkstock)

5. Social Life. This is another fun factor to take into consideration. What kind of attractions and social elements does this new place have to offer? Unless you want to move away to be on a meditative, silent retreat, being lonely and secluded will not be on your “to-do list” when you move. Does the new town you are considering have a night life? Are their museums, sporting events, famers markets, local activities that you can experience on your free time? What do the locals do for fun? Because most likely what they do, is what you’ll end up doing or experiencing on your day to day life.

(Photo: Randy Faris, Fuse/ Thinkstock)

(Photo: Randy Faris, Fuse/ Thinkstock)


These five tips are just a few of the many factors you’ll be thinking about before you make your big move. Remember that if there is a desire on your heart to travel and put down roots in a new place, then you have every right and ability to see that dream happen!

Don’t listen to the negative voices that try to hold you back from your adventures.

So with these few factors to consider, good luck and get ready for the time of your life! And remember no matter how far you move, home is always where YOUR heart is, and that heart lies inside of you- so home is anywhere in the world you want it to be.