Our Voice Matters: MLK Knew It and So Do We 

January 15, 2018 | Posted at 11:50 pm | by Dennis (Follow User)

Perhaps now, more than ever, Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr’s words seem very prophetic.

There is no doubt that “who” you are matters but, what you “do” with who you are matters even more so. Remaining silent in the presence of wrong-doing is the same as condoning wrong-doing. How might your voice be heard in the world today in a manner that makes it a better place–a safer place–for future generations of people who represent every nationality, gender, creed, and color–including your own?

It can require great courage to speak up when we witness the inequities of senseless biased, bigoted, cruel and crude, ego-driven behavior being played out right in front of our own eyes. We don’t have to look too far to find a place to begin. There are, and always have been, bullies everywhere who thrive in our silence, our need to be invisible; our need to fit in and not rock the boat.

We’ll certainly find them in politics and the events unfolding around the world–but equally so, we’ll see them in our workplace, neighborhood and perhaps our own home. MLK knew this. I know it; we all know it.

He inspires me to be a light in the darkness–I hope he does the same for you. THAT is how much you and your voice matter.

Peace, Dennis