One Day, Will It All Be Worth It?

July 20, 2016 | Posted at 8:52 pm | by Junior (Follow User)

You  may ask, “One day, will it be worth the struggle, the pain?”
“Will it be worth your refusal to remain?”
In some way or another, can you push forward?
Become everything you dream?
Can you surpass the obstacles, the heartache life brings?
One day, will it be worth your tears?
Your hard work and doing everything it takes
Will it be worth your moving forward,
with everything at stake?
One day, will you be happy that you kept at what you dream
and hope to accomplish at best?
Will you find that it was well worth the work
The stress?
Will it be worth it?
That is the question of the day
It’s one that drives us all to rush ahead with no delays
Everyone falls
Everyone tries
Everyone is refusing to lose sight
To lose sight of the importance of life
Of why we are all here
To accomplish something for the human race
To move past our fears
To continue with our pace
But it’s not easy at all
It comes with bruises, sores, and cries
It comes with your asking yourself, “Why?”

Are all noble for your test
But consider this question among the rest,
“Will it all be worth it to you in the end?”
If you can figure that out,
Then keep moving forward,
You will always win.