The Top Reasons Why New Year’s Resolutions FAIL & How To Make Sure Yours Don’t [VIDEO]

January 22, 2016 | Posted at 5:20 pm | by Emilie (Follow User)

So many of us set New Year’s resolutions each year, but by some measures, only about 8% of us are actually successful. Achieving long-term goals is HARD! But by avoiding these common pitfalls, you can set yourself up for success.


Here are the top 5 most common mistakes we make with New Year’s Resolutions:


1. You’re all vision, no road map.

We often spend a too much time focused on our vision (our ideal outcome) and not enough time clarifying the steps we’re going to take to get there. Focus on the journey – not the destination, boss!

2. You’re vague.

Want to be more ‘inspired’ this year? How about more ‘adventurous’ or ‘courageous?’ That’s all well and good, but a feeling-state is not a clear goal. It’s up to you to figure out what makes you feel how you want to feel, and make those actions your resolutions! For added accountability, add in deadlines and frequency goals, too.

3. You’re asking way too much of yourself.

Embrace the baby step, boss! Otherwise, you risk being overwhelmed and disappointed all year long. The scientific term for this is ‘chunking,’ meaning, breaking down big concepts into smaller, concrete components. Chunk it out, break it down, and get it done.

4. You’re going it alone.

It doesn’t matter how fancy your journal is. If you don’t have a community of support and accountability, maintaining your motivation is TOUGH. This is especially true when faced with setbacks. So grab a gal pal, and work through the Bossed Up LifeTracker (above, on the right) together!

5. You have too many resolutions!

Taking on too much at once is a great way to remain totally guilt-ridden for the rest of the year. Focus is EVERYTHING. Prioritize your goals in numerical order, and stay focused on tackling one at a time.

The good news is, there’s no time like January to get focused on creating the year you want.


Professor Katharine Milkman (Wharton School of Business, University of Pennsylvania) found that we humans LOVE do-overs, and our motivation is higher around ‘temporal landmarks’ like the start of a new year, month, or even week! She deemed this the “fresh start effect” and found that our focus on “aspirational behavior” was highest then.

So take advantage of the fresh start that is 2016, boss!

This post was originally posted on Bossed Up.