Never Stop Hoping Things Will Change For The Better…They Always Can

February 16, 2016 | Posted at 7:00 am | by Sharareh (Follow User)

Has life become dull for you? Repetitive? The same old routine day in and day out?

Your job. Your relationship. Your family. You by yourself. Do all of these have the same cadence? Do they not excite you?

The next question to ask is… Do you want these to excite you?

If you feel a spark go off in your mind, a pang in your heart, a quiet but earnest “yes!” – then you need to know right now that this is a bit of hope within you to see change in your life. This has to grow, and you should never stop it from growing.

Your routine and to be honest, your boredom, has pushed this hope down. You are close to that point of no return where once past it, you’ll be comtent with routine and sameness – and never be open to change. It’s understandable because change for many people is terrifying. It is new, it is different, it is unknown. You have no idea how you will be able to handle change because in its essence, it is meant to toss you around and make you feel anew.

But change also means great opportunity, a fresh start, the journey to a whole new you or to start small, a new portion of you.

You deserve change. Change is what keeps us on our toes, helps us evolve and keeps life interesting. Change is what makes life worth living! You don’t have to do a complete 180 of yourself to change or have things change either. It can be something as simple trying a new diet or fitness routine, or as large as you moving to a new city or committing to a steady relationship.

Change is not outside of your realm of possibility.

It’s calmly waiting for you to take it and let it happen.

So please, don’t ever stop trying or working towards it or hoping that it will come. It is already there and it’s up to you and you alone to make change happen.