I think we all face challenges in life that cause us to doubt ourselves… to doubt our capabilities… to stop believing. These challenges can often have such a paralyzing impact that you literally become frozen. You feel defeated and unsure of how you can push forward.
Whether you want to admit it or not, or whether you have faced these moments or not, let’s admit that at some point in our lives we will encounter them. And when you do encounter them, you may feel completely powerless.
Powerless in moving forward…
Powerless in trying to go after your dream again…
Powerless in believing in what’s possible for yourself…
Powerless in just the idea of living the life you once dreamed for yourself.
It’s crazy how the rawness of that word is so uninviting. So damaging to the human spirit. So belittling.
Yet, all we need to do is drop the -less part, and instantly, our belief and courage to rise above what we’re facing become possible.
See the thing is, life is so short. You are here for a moment. Gone the next. Yeah, it’s full of ups and downs, but even amid those painful moments, you can choose to remember who you are and the power that lies within you. You can simply make the choice to regain your strength and to remember who we are.
The older I get, the more I am deciding to give up these moments of my life in which I may feel any ounce of powerlessness. It’s just a waste of time, waste of energy, waste of who God ultimately created me or any of us to be. I refuse to live my life believing that there is nothing I can do to change any situation I may face.
Just think, the fact that you are still alive, means that there is something for you to do… a mountain that you will overcome… means that there is something greater that will surpass any feeling you have of being powerless. Realize that regardless of what you are facing, you should never give anything in this life the permission to make you feel like you cannot overcome what you are going through. Never.
Today, choose to tap into the power that lies within you. Choose to never live a second of your life feeling powerless. Choose to recognize you are *never* powerless. On the contrary, you are always one step away from being the most powerful you may ever be within your lifetime…