The thing is, finding your purpose can not only be exhilarating, but it can also cause you to learn things about yourself and the world that you never knew. Here are 15 powerful truths that you might relate to and have discovered on your journey in trying to find your purpose.
1. Passions & Talents
You realize it can be found through your talents and passions.
2. Experiences
You discover every single experience that you have had and that you will have is necessary and part of your fulfillment of your purpose
3. A Process
Be aware that Discovering and gaining insight on your purpose is a process. It can exhilarating, and draining at times on your road to fully leading your life in it. But don’t lose hope, feel overwhelmed, or lack belief in yourself.
4. Sacrifice
It will often involve A LOT of sacrifice.
5. Pain & Hardships
Sometimes you can only discover it through your own personal pain and hardships.
6. Pursuit
In pursuing your purpose, you realize how resilient you are, how powerful you are, and how extraordinary you are.
7. Walking It
You may feel like you don’t have what it takes to walk in your purpose when you find it.
7. The Beautiful Critics
There will be many naysayers and critics who make you feel wrong or crazy in believing in your purpose.
8. Your Close Encouragers
The most important people in your life will play a significant role in your finding your purpose and your encouraging you to stick with it.
9. Bread Crumbs
Then again, the most random people will often lead you bread crumbs towards your discovering your purpose
10. Big Opposition
You find there is tremendous opposition not only in finding your purpose, but in fulfilling it.
11. Randomness
Sometimes you will randomly discover it.
12. It’s Unforgettable
You can’t forget it once you find it
13. What’s Important
It’s through discovering your purpose that you truly discover what is most important in this life. You discover what and who mattered, as well as what and who never did.
14. The Multiples
You may find that you have multiple purposes. each one enlightens a greater truth and awareness of the meaning of your life to the world and something greater than you.
15. The Impact Of Your Life.
You grasp that your life is not just about you. Instead, you were born to make an impact.