Watch #Misunderstood: The Most Authentic Docu-Series On Being A Millennial

April 26, 2018 | Posted at 11:36 pm | by The RIZZARR Team (Follow User)

Though we live in a world that often tries to push down our generation and to dispel myths that cast us in a negative light, one docu-series is helping to put an end to it all. It’s called #Misunderstood.

Determined to end the constant repetition of the words entitled, lazy, and narcissistic that are often associated with our generation, #Misunderstood creator Benjamin Baldwin said he is determined to change what society thinks and knows about Millennials.

Through the Instagram series, Millennials from across the country share their stories, their truths in hopes of liberating themselves and others, like them, who are battling the same issues. The docu-series use of storytelling not only showcases the lives of Millennials in a positive light, but also allows many of them to be released from shame, guilt, and loneliness.

After our team discovered the series, we were very excited for the opportunity to partner with Benjamin and his team. Our founder and CEO Ashley M. Williams got the chance to interview Benjamin about the second of the show, how it began, the impact its making on Millennials across the world, and what he has planned for its future. Enjoy the interview below!


Also, make sure to check out videos from the #Misunderstood series below and on Instagram!

















Stay updated on the #Misunderstood by checking out their profile on RIZZARR and on Facebook!