Why Mental Health Should Be A Priority For 2015

January 15, 2015 | Posted at 1:59 am | by Corinne (Follow User)

I’ve struggled with mental health for half of my life.

I’ve tried three different therapists; I’m currently looking for therapist number four. This is the first time I’ve been medicated. For the first time, in 12 years, I know what it feels like to have answers, and I now know that my deep depression can be managed.

The New Year always seems to be the time in which most people make resolutions or set goals for their next year. Last year, when I decided to fervently seek help, it wasn’t planned, and it also wasn’t on my resolutions or on my goal list.

This year, my mental health is one of the goals on my list. I realize that last year the world lost so many people to suicide, and it didn’t have to be that way. As a result, I encourage each of you to make your mental health your priority this year, a resolution, and a goal.

Here are 5 ways you can make your mental health a priority this year.

1. Find a good therapist.

There is a stigma for those who seek help from a professional; the stigma gets worse if you are Christian and African-American. But professionals have been trained to help you in ways others cannot. It will take time to find a therapist you feel comfortable with; but I assure you it can be done. There are therapists of all different demographics, including yours.

2. Figure out your triggers.

Each person has something that triggers him or her. Each person has something that can cause, a mental health episode. Holidays are common triggers. But when you make mental health your priority you will learn and know your triggers. And once you are aware of your triggers, you can choose how to deal with them.

3. Take one step at a time.

It’s easy to focus on larger goals. But each large goal requires a smaller goal to be accomplished first. If you want to travel around the world, then you first need a passport. When you get your passport, you are one step closer to traveling around the world. You might not have the option travel to Europe yet, but at least you now can strive to accomplish that goal.

4. Make time for yourself.

Working full-time, going to school full-time, being a parent or spouse can leave very little time for your personal well-being. How can you take time to get a pedicure when you have studying to do? How can you get your hair right when you need to spend time with your spouse? How can you go out with your friends when you have a child to care for? How can you read for pleasure when you have tasks to accomplish for work? The answer is you can and you will! Making time for yourself will make it easier to accomplish all the tasks you need to accomplish. Take time for yourself to think about your mental health, your spiritual journey, your goals, your hopes and ambitions.

5. It’s easy to get lost in the emotions.

It’s easier to just feel than to know why you feel that way. But be mindful of your moods and emotions. Begin to learn why you feel a particular mood or emotion.

Hopefully, with these tips your mental health will find its way into the goals for the New Year.

[Current Song: Beautiful by Eminem]