Live It Up! 10 Great Ways To Soak Up This Summer

May 27, 2016 | Posted at 12:00 am | by The RIZZARR Team (Follow User)

Summer is basically already here.

Well, not by its calendar date, but by the feeling. WIth summer kicking into gear, we want to help live it up. Here are 10 ways you can have the best summer yet!


1. Travel to the max.

If you haven’t traveled yet… get to it, even if it’s just a somewhere nearby that you haven’t been.

(Peshkova, iStockphoto/ Thinkstock)

(Peshkova, iStockphoto/ Thinkstock)


2. Really embrace the sunny, hot days.

Take time out to enjoy the weather. The sunny warm days are oh-so amazing.

(Photo: iStockphoto)

(Photo: iStockphoto)


3. Shop, shop, oh and shop.

Enjoy those summer sales, especially at this point since most stores are getting ready for the fall.

(Photo: Dragon Images, iStockphoto/ Thinkstock)

(Photo: Dragon Images, iStockphoto/ Thinkstock)


4. Reflect on your goals for the year.

It’s the perfect time for self-reflection. Check in with yourself about your goals for the year and if you are accomplishing them. There’s no time like the present to get started.

(iStockphoto/ Thinkstock)

(iStockphoto/ Thinkstock)


5. Chill with your friends by the water.

Use your free moments to soak it up by a pool, lake or ocean.

(Photo: iStockphoto/ Thinkstock)

(Photo: iStockphoto/ Thinkstock)


6. Spend time with the people who matter most.

Grab coffee, host a barbecue, or have dinner together outside at your favorite restaurant so you can catch up.

(Photo: iStockphto/ Thinksotck)

(Photo: iStockphto/ Thinksotck)


7. Read away!

Make a reading list of books that you’ve been meaning to read, but haven’t been able to do so. Narrow down just a few and put together a plan of action. You will be surprised by how many books you will be able to read when you put your mind to it.

(Photo: iStockphoto/ Thinkstock)

(Photo: iStockphoto/ Thinkstock)


8. Get your exercise routine together.

Just because summer is almost over doesn’t mean you should skip the exercise. Instead, keep going and put a solid routine together that will get you into top shape by the end of the year.

(Photo: Thinkstock)

(Photo: Thinkstock)


9. Try something new, like…

(Photo: iStockphoto/ Thinkstock)

(Photo: iStockphoto/ Thinkstock)


10. Sit back and take some time to REALLY relax!

(iStockphoto/ Thinkstock)

(iStockphoto/ Thinkstock)