Like Mother, Like Daughter

May 9, 2018 | Posted at 12:10 am | by Proud2BMe (Follow User)

From a young age, children idolize their parents. As a child grows older, he or she starts to realize that parents are just adults trying their best; however, parents make a huge impact upon children’s body image, perhaps more than we realize. For me, this was profoundly related in regards to how my mother viewed her body and talked about it in my presence.

My mom never outwardly taught me to dislike my own body; instead she attempted to teach me quite the opposite. However, hearing her lament her hips, her thighs, her stretch marks, and her tummy all taught me that these areas and their related characteristics were shameful. By hearing her talk, I internalized the notion that anything less than what she expected of herself and her body was no good for me, either.

Anecdotally, this is not uncommon amongst mothers and their daughters, but it extends to all genders of parents and children. So what can be done to prevent this?

The best way to help stop an eating disorder before it begins is to promote a healthful, positive body image. Some ways this can be accomplished is:

  • Avoid making food the enemy (e.g. “This cake is going to go straight to my butt!” or “Do you know how many calories are in that?!”)

  • Avoid using negative slang to refer to body parts (love handles, bubble butt, muffin top, etc.)

  • Don’t place worth only on your child’s physical attributes, instead, complement and praise your child’s academic and social achievements as well.

  • Talk to your child about what’s realistic and attainable versus what is unhealthy and misleading in regards to what’s portrayed in the media and modeling industry.

  • Avoid promoting or praising disordered behaviors (e.g. complimenting a child for not eating much at dinner or praising their “will power”).


Creating a body positive environment is the most important preventative measure in stopping an eating disorder from developing. Also, remember that passing on positivity body image to your children starts with you. Take some time to build up your own self-worth and self-acceptance and it could have incredible effects on the young people who look up to you.


This article was originally posted on the website of our partner, Proud2BMe.