
Get Tested: Know Your Status, Save Your Life

December 1st is known as National AIDS Awareness Day. Though doctors and people in general are more knowledgeable about HIV/AIDS, it doesn’t mean that people should take it lightly. Getting tested will not only save your life, but your partner’s life too.

By: Corinne Lyons

Learning To Love Myself

Life is special and worth living. Through various challenges, you can hold onto that. Accepting my story has been ever so hard for me, but today I understand that, to me, thriving means being open, being wholeheartedly me.

By: Proud2BMe

The Spaces Between

Going to college was can be a difficult transition for anyone. Everything is constantly shifting and at times, so are you. Though it can be challenging to navigate at various moments, college can help you discover who you are in the spaces between.

By: Proud2BMe