Undiagnosed But Not Without A Voice
Not having a formal diagnosis made my journey through my eating disorder and to my recovery much more challenging. But I’ve realized you have to be your own advocate to save your life.
Proud2BMeNot having a formal diagnosis made my journey through my eating disorder and to my recovery much more challenging. But I’ve realized you have to be your own advocate to save your life.
By: Proud2BMeYour happiness depends on you. It’s your choice. You don’t have to wait for everything to be exactly like you want it to be happy. Instead, you can choose to be happy at any moment.
By: Bridgett SaldivarWe all have different things we face in life, and we never know what we will go through. But the good part is and the truth is, we can always overcome any obstacle we face.
By: Rhea AgarImagine your university demanded that you exercise, log a pre-determined number of steps each day and attain a heartbeats-per-minute goal. Crazy, right? Well, one university decided to enforce this measure on its students.
By: Proud2BMeMarShawn McCarrel was a known Black Lives Matter activist who recently took his life. From this tragedy, I hope many will realize they don’t have to suffer with their inner battles alone.
By: Samara VelasqueThe culture of modeling can pose potential dangers. at first, France’s law that models have to have a BMI of at least 18 may seem admirable. However, in reality, models are often subject to pressures outside of their control.
By: Proud2BMeSports Illustrated recently made plus-size model Ashley Graham one of its cover stars for its highly anticipated annual magazine. The epic move proves beauty is not one size fits all.
By: Ashley M. Williams