
The Ripple Effect Of You…

When we pause and see how interconnected we are, we’ll realize it is impossible NOT to have an effect on others far beyond our knowing. While we may never know what effect our life has on others, it doesn’t mean the effect we do have is insignificant.

By: Dennis Merritt Jones

Living With Self-Compassion And Forgiveness

In life, you will make mistakes and you will experience setbacks. Our feelings about mistakes shift a great deal in our youth. In the process of learning to walk, you fell down…a lot. As we grow older, though, we tend to assign judgment to mistakes.

By: MLT Org

Note To Self: When I Grow Up, I Just Want To Be Happy

Every colossal question through the phases in my life have the same answer. From when I was kid being asked what I want to be when I grow up, to when I was in college trying to decide what I wanted to do, and being an adult now with no idea what the future holds. The answer is the same: “I just want to be happy.”

By: Gen Twenty

3 Truths You Need To Accept For A More Fulfilling Life

Change a belief and you can change your reality; hold your beliefs constant and your life is guaranteed to stay the same. This is a fact. And this is probably the No. 1 mistake I see people make while striving to achieve their goals: They don’t analyze and adjust their beliefs accordingly.

By: SUCCESS Magazine