The College Experience: Is It Worth It?

Let’s face it. Nowadays, many people are questioning whether or not college is even worth it. And at the end of the day, college may not be for everybody. But in this piece, you will find that if you choose to go, it can allow you to develop yourself in ways that you may have never imagined.

By: Stella Naulo

Howzit? From Cape Town, South Africa

Traveling takes much courage and open-mindedness, but it is through these experiences that one truly learns about the self. Our columnist Tess Trotter knows this far too well. She is giving RIZZARR audiences exclusive access to her life as she studies abroad in South Africa. Her trip has just begun so, make sure to read here to come along for the ride!

By: Tess Trotter

Food Is Energy, Not the Enemy

Eating disorder thoughts can thrive off of society’s focus on dieting. But whether you have an eating disorder or not, columnist Lauren Moss encourages RIZZARR audiences to realize that standing up to society’s food labeling is revolutionary! And the way to fight society’s stereotypes is to have positive self body thoughts. Food does not have to be the enemy! Instead, read about how it can be your energy!

By: Lauren Moss

Be Strong. You Never Know Who You’re Inspiring.

We often think that we are weak when we seek help. But in actuality, it is the one thing that will help our light continue to shine. In this piece, find out why getting help for any issue that you are facing will not only make you a stronger, but will also give you a new outlook on life.

By: Lauren Moss