Should We Still Keep Dreaming? YES And Here’s Why

It’s no lie that right now life can seem pretty rough. The economy is bad, millions of people can’t find jobs, and companies just seem to keep closing down. So it just seems like the idea of fulfilling dreams is just not possible. But you have to keep believing in yourself. Realize that despite all of the negativity that is around you, you can never give up.

By: Ashley M. Williams

What To Do When Friendships Sink

In a wonderful life lesson, you will learn that although “being friends forever” is a wonderful sentiment, sometimes your best friends are part-time. They are meant to greatly impact you for only one season of your life.

By: Sarah Radley

Just A FYI, #PrettyGirlsDOEat

What started out as a way to stay connected is quickly turning into a platform for revolution. The inspiration behind the movement is the notorious quote “Pretty girls don’t eat” – it can easily become your new mantra.

By: Proud2BMe