Straight Outta Compton: Why I’m Not Offended

Watching this film, I expected to learn the stories of three brazenly blunt black men who turned musical water into wine. However, much to my surprise, the images of police brutality addressed in the film screamed with the language of now.

By: Keyaira Kelly
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Embrace Your Emotional Expiration Dates

Expiration dates provide us with more than a notification of when to get rid of things. Expiration dates can also do something else: they liberate us! Imagine what would happen to us if we apply the same idea to our emotions. Imagine how free we can become! Columnist Lisa Cypers Kamen explains it all.

By: Lisa Kamen
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Why Does The Media Always Seem To Attack Christian Athletes?

In recent years, it seems openly Christian athletes have fallen under more and more criticism. From Lolo Jones to Tim Tebow to Jeremy Lin, the media seems to scoff at Christian sport figures, giving them a heightened level of scrutiny. Why are some people mean to athletes who wear their faith on their sleeve (or in Tim Tebow’s case, in eye black during games)?

By: Anita Little

Rejection Is Never The End. It’s A New Beginning.

When editor Benjamin McAfee wrote his first piece for RIZZARR called “Outings Overcoming Amidst Struggles”, he had previously submitted it to another website that decided not to publish it. However, he later asked RIZZARR if he could contribute and publish his story, and we warmly agreed to do so. His publication on our site was grateful well-received. The piece has not only changed the lives of RIZZARR audiences, but they also deeply changed the life of McAfee as well.

By: Benjamin McAfee