
Discovering Your Purpose Is A Lot Easier Than You Think

We never know what we are going to be when we are young. However, as we grow the Spirit inside of us calls us and guides us towards who we should become. Our process is just as similar to a caterpillar being led to mold into a beautiful butterfly. So look inside yourself and read this post to discover what your calling is.

By: Ashley M. Williams

There’s Gotta Be More To Life

When are all going to start believing that there is more to the lives that we are leading? Life is not all about money and material things; it’s about the impact that we dare to create. But to tap into this impact, we must first tap into our passions.

By: Ashley M. Williams

3 Ways To Tell Your Dog: You’re Going To College

It’s never the right time to say good-bye to your little pooch as you head for college. But don’t worry, from our editor’s personal experience, she is giving you tips on how you can say good-bye to your doggie for a short period of time, in a meaningful way!

By: Stella Naulo