
Job Hunting Today: It Has Its Angels & Its Demons

Job hunting in today’s digital world obviously provides a whole new set of tools and options at our disposal, for good and bad. Of course, this is what columnist Sarah Radley expected to have to deal with. But unfortunately, something unexpected also came up in her job search: the over the shoulder conversations between her uplifting thinking and demolishing thinking.

By: Sarah Radley

When In An Argument, Don’t Shut Down. Grow Up & Face It

Finding yourself in an argument these days? Well, don’t shut out the situation. Know that there’s always three sides to the story. In this short piece, you will discover that by acknowledging that reality is separate from your perspective and from the other person’s viewpoint, you’ll become more open to finding a solution that resolves rather than covers up the root issue.

By: Lisa Kamen

What Is Time Outside Of 9-5 Boxes?

What kind of life are you living? Between your day-to-day hustle and constantly having to be on the go, you may forget to take a moment to breathe. Become inspired in realizing why sometimes we all need to reflect.

By: Keyaira Kelly