- Don’t lose sight of what matters – Stressing yourself out over your work, which you are doing to get money so that you can lead a joyful life is a totally backwards approach. Look at what matters and keep that at the forefront of your mind; always.
- Forgive yourself – You are only trying your best. Do not let the past control you any longer than it needs to; Forgive yourself for your mistakes so you can move on and love your life ASAP again.
- Move on – This is your life. It’s not happening yesterday, or last year, it is happening right f*cking now!! Stop thinking about what you could have done better or how you could have changed things and do change the things now. You still have the rest of your life to live. Make it count.
- Improve every day – Determine one thing a day, just one thing, to improve every day. If you don’t improve you stagnate while the rest of the world improves, catches up, and surpasses you, leaving you to pick up the scraps.
- Enjoy each day – Yes, working for tomorrow is important, but relying on tomorrow is a recipe for depression. Tomorrow will not make you happy now, and if you work days, weeks, months or years for that one happy moment in the future, you will miss the rest of your life along the way. Life is happening NOW! Live now or you will regret it.
- Love yourself – You are you and you are so much more than anyone could ever hope to describe. It’s important that you learn to love yourself for who you are, for everything that you are, positive and negative, for trying your best and for living this life. If you don’t love yourself then change yourself so that you can look at yourself with pride and love!
- Follow through – Your own word needs to be LAW at least to yourself. If you flake on what you say you will do, how can anyone else ever trust you? How can you ever trust yourself?
- Don’t take life so seriously – With all that being said, at the end, life is just like a trip to the amusement park. You can sit there and complain that you have to wait in line or you can try to have the time of your life. Either way, you are here right now and you will have to leave this park at the end of the day. Smile about what happens, because your life is too short not to.