Leave The Past Behind: There Are No Ifs, Ands, Or Buts About It.

January 24, 2016 | Posted at 11:50 pm | by Oscar (Follow User)

They say that it takes a lot of courage to grow up and become who you really are. Becoming who you are means not letting the past define you. Not letting situations or things that you hoped for, define you. But… that’s easier said than done.

The complications of life make looking back easier to do. They make wanting to reverse things in the past in hoping of changing things in the present easier to do. So how do you get over that? How do you leave the past behind and not let it define who you become?

It’s complicated. Whenever you are trying to become more than you are, it can often feel like the past is chasing you. All the negativity that dragged you down before is chasing, preventing you from everything up ahead. Past friendships, past relationships, past experiences… they all seem like they’re trying to engulf you, especially as you try to break free from who you used to be so that you can become better than you are. But it is possible to leave the past behind and as you get older, you realize that there are many things that you have to leave behind.

What I have discovered is that leaving the past behind is a choice. It’s a defining decision that once you full make it, things start to move forward for you. You start to find ways of moving forward…of releasing yourself from all that was holding you back before…of forcing yourself to not look back. You start to realize that there’s no way for you to get to where you want to go in life, if you are always trying to look in the rearview mirror at everything and everyone from the past.

I’m not saying that you shouldn’t enjoy things from the past or people from your past, but I am saying that any of those that are negative, you need to leave behind. For you to become successful and to fulfill all of the dreams that you have, there are some things in the past that you have to leave behind. Yeah, again it takes a lot of courage to do so, but you have to. You have to for what’s up ahead and you have to in order to become who you really are.