Just A FYI, #PrettyGirlsDOEat

July 2, 2015 | Posted at 2:23 am | by Proud2BMe (Follow User)

Social media: what started out as a way to stay connected is quickly turning into a platform for revolution.

Last week I received an anonymous message on my blog which said: “Start tagging your food pics and selfies with food with #prettygirlseat and spread the word!!!!”

To be honest, I didn’t give the message much thought. I believe my exact words to myself were “Hm, maybe.” Fast forward to this Monday and I saw a post  titled “Pretty Girls DO Eat.”  It’s a social media movement rapidly making its way through the fitness and recovery communities- communities with a mission to make a difference.


The inspiration behind the movement is the notorious quote “Pretty girls don’t eat” – a quote that can easily lodge itself into your mind and unintentionally become your new mantra. Girls and boys in a fragile or easily triggered state see the quote and think “I can’t be pretty if I eat.” It’s a landmine waiting to be stepped on. I know, because it happened to me during the height of my eating disorder. As if the saying itself isn’t bad enough, it is usually accompanied by pictures of scales, sickly thin models, or nothing but words on a dismal, black background leaving you with a wave of hopelessness.

Continue reading this story from our partner Proud2BMe by clicking here.