Job Hunting Today: It Has Its Angels & Its Demons

October 29, 2015 | Posted at 9:49 pm | by Sarah (Follow User)

Every morning, I wake up, get my wits about me, check my email, Facebook, and Tumblr. Then, I’m off looking for a job.


Some days it is checking the exact same sites I looked at the day before, hoping the perfect job has miraculously been posted in the past 24 hours. Some days its aimless Google searches galore. But most days I just look at the spreadsheet of jobs I’ve applied to. The column labeled “Applied” check marked the whole way down, the columns labeled “Response” and “Interview” as empty as my dwindling bank account.
How original right? A recent college grad writing about the trials and tribulations of job hunting in today’s economy… But, stick with me.

Job hunting in today’s digital world obviously provides a whole new set of tools and options at our disposal, for good (Linkedin, email, job hunting sites) and bad (worrying about what’s on your social media sites). This I expected, but there has been something unexpected. And I warn you now, I’m going to sound crazy. You know how in television and movies there are the little shoulder angel and shoulder devil that try to sway the main character to either the correct or sinful decision?


Well, when it comes to job hunting I have little “Shoulder Sarahs”— little mini images of myself that mirror and exaggerate the benefits and downfalls of job hunting in the digital age.


Let me explain.




Sarah #1 – Yes We Can! (the angel)  

This “Sarah” sits on my shoulder telling me that one of these days my dreams will  become reality…I’ve worked hard, proved my work ethic and skills. She reminds me how lucky I am to be job hunting now. Instead of having to print and send off resumes, I can applied to hundreds of jobs while I sit in bed in my pajamas. If I notice a typo or mistake, I can often update my resume right on the website and HR will never know. Every single day I  have countless opportunities I can apply for. She stays inspired and says there are so many options in today’s world I just have to be patient until the right opportunity finds me.



Sarah #2- Would you like fries with that? (the devil)

This is my utter defeatist phase. This “Sarah” tells me to go back to sleep because there is no hope of getting a job in my field. I spent four years getting an education that is bound to go to waste, when I could have been home, working two or more jobs and earning enough money so that I could move out of my parents house.


This devil also likes to feed on my weakness of jealousy. Every time I get that Linkedin email with your network updates, or a friend posts on Facebook that they got a new job this “Sarah” likes to pop up. She just says over and over again, even with all this great new technology you haven’t had any luck getting a job…Take the hint!


Sarah #3- The Great Moderator

This Sarah helps to keep the angel and the devil in check. She reminds me to be grateful for everything I have in my life. I do have a part-time job that lets me save money, and go out for coffee with my friends. The management there knows that I am looking for other jobs and has worked with me so I am able to change my schedule if an interview or opportunity comes up. I am clothed, sheltered, fed, and have a great support system. I was also able to get a great education that will help me secure my dreams.


Also this “Sarah” keeps me motivated. Being in this time and place right now means that more than ever, even though I am unemployed, that I can continue to improve and add to my skill set. It provides amazing opportunities, like being able to contribute to RIZZARR!




Who knows which Sarah will win out tomorrow’s debate? I know I hope for the angel or the realist, but I admit that the devil Sarah wins more times than she should. Keeping my motivation up is one of my toughest challenges post-graduation. You can see that if I had to do this alone I would go crazy (I know that talking about three of yourself is already pretty nuts).


But with the help and support of my family, friends, and network of professionals I’m able to keep these multiple personalities in check and to at least keep moving forward step-by-step, day-by-day.