Adulting 101: Is it Better To Lease Or Buy A Car?

January 14, 2024 | Posted at 10:15 pm | by Ciera (Follow User)

Buying and leasing a car depends on many factors, and it’s a big decision either way. Buying a car involves high monthly costs, but you own your vehicle. On the other hand, leasing a car offers lower monthly payments and allows you to drive a car that may otherwise be out of your price range. Before you decide which is right for you, you should weigh the pros and cons of each option. Here’s what you should consider to better understand if it’s most reasonable to buy or lease a car. 

Monthly Costs

Unless you plan on buying a car in cash, whether you buy or lease a car, you’ll need to pay for it via monthly payments. Most people finance cars while others choose to lease based on the monthly costs they’ll have to pay. For example, if you’re considering financing or leasing, it’s worth exploring options for used cars in Tucson, as they often offer more affordable monthly payments compared to new vehicles.

Monthly Bills

If you want to get the lowest monthly cost possible, leasing might be the right option. As mentioned, leasing a car comes with a lower monthly bill than the traditional auto loan. This is because loan prices are based on the car’s depreciation over time instead of the purchase price itself. 

Because they offer lower monthly payments, leases might be best for individuals who want to better balance their budget. However, unlike investing in purchasing a car, you don’t end up owning the car when your lease is up; instead, you’ll have to lease or buy a car to keep yourself on the road. If you end up leasing another car, you might end up getting stuck in a cycle of never-ending car payments. 

On the other hand, if you purchase a car, you’ll be responsible for vehicle maintenance, but you’ll end up owning the vehicle, which means no more monthly payments after your loan is repaid. 

Car Insurance

Comprehensive car insurance is required if you’re financing a car or taking out a lease, but you might also want to consider gap insurance. If you plan on leasing a car, you can check the agreement to see if it’s already included at no additional cost. 

When looking for gap insurance, compare quotes from insurance companies, just like nova scotia car insurance, to determine what’s right for you and your budget.


Total Costs

Apart from the monthly costs, you could also consider the total cost of using the vehicle. When you own a vehicle, you won’t have to pay the monthly bill once your loan is repaid, but if you continue to lease vehicles, you’ll owe monthly bills for as long as you drive. 


Down Payments & Upfront Costs

When leasing or financing a car, you might be required to put some money down. Of course, you might also be able to find a great deal that requires no money down. If you want to finance a car, your down payment might be around 10 or 20% of the cart’s sticker price. However, the downpayment can depend on many factors, including your credit score. 

It’s important to keep in mind that individuals with low credit scores will need to put down a higher down payment, and their monthly payments may be more than someone who has excellent credit. 

That being said, leasing also requires significant upfront costs, including the first month’s payment and down payment. Leasing is typically a cost-effective alternative to purchasing a car, but you’re still putting money down on an asset you’ll never own. 

A larger down payment can help you keep your monthly payments down if you’re purchasing a vehicle, but this might not apply to a lease agreement. 


Repairs & Maintenance

All cars will need to be maintained and repaired as all are susceptible to dings that aren’t necessarily caused by the driver. The cost of repairs can fall on both buyers and leasers. Leased cars might be under warranty for the duration of your lease, but you might still have to pay for some maintenance and repairs. Depending on your agreement, some repairs and maintenance might be covered, so you must know what you’re signing before you lease a vehicle. 

If you own your car, you will have to pay for all repairs out of pocket or using car insurance. Remember, as cars age, the cost of repairs can get higher, so you should have a budget set aside for vehicle repairs over the life of your vehicle. Luckily, once your vehicle is fully paid off, the money you would have paid monthly can be used to cover maintenance costs. 



As soon as a car drives off the lot, its value depreciates. Not only that but the more miles you put on the car, the less it’s worth. Unfortunately, putting a ton of miles on your vehicle can also be a problem if you want to lease a car. Leases typically have mileage limits set per year. Going over that number can result in penalties up to 15 cents per additional mile.

Luckily, you may be able to purchase additional miles before you sign your lease. Do the math to determine how much you drive in a year so you can figure out if leasing is going to be too expensive. 



There aren’t too many fees associated with owning a vehicle other than maintenance and repairs. However, if you miss a payment, you may see a late fee on your next bill. On the other hand, leases have tons of fees you might be subject to, including an acquisition fee and security deposit. You’ll also have to pay a fee if you want to terminate your lease early. 


Ability to Change Vehicles

Being locked into one car for ten or more years can seem dreadful to a driver who always wants to experience what’s new. If you want to continue to drive the newest cars on the market, then leasing might be right for you. Leasing a vehicle allows you to drive something new every few years. However, leases might not be that flexible. For example, if you get tired of your current car, then you’ll be subject to an early termination fee. 

As a buyer, you have the freedom to get rid of your vehicle whenever you want by selling it or trading it in. However, that means taking on another loan and paying it off every month. 


Getting a New Car

Getting a new car is an important financial decision, and it’s up to you to do your research to determine whether the better choice is to buy or lease. Now that you know what costs you’ll incur, you can visit a car dealership and start asking questions.