Sick Of Trying To Prove

Trying to meet everyone’s standards besides your own is a waste of time. It’s a waste of who you are and it’s a way of your energy. It’s when we let go of trying to prove to everyone and everything that we become free to move forward.

By: Anonymous /Unknown

Never Lose Sight Of Your Dream.

What would we be like if we never chose to leave the safe side of the shore? As you enter into those deep waters, attempt to climb those high mountains, and use your greatest strength to push through the barriers you face, do me a favor and never lose sight of your dream.

By: Rae Carson

There Was A Time

Time is one of the greatest things in life, because we can never get it back. Every moment of our lives provides us with the chance to overcome challenges we’ve face and to let go of all the negatives that often surround us.

By: Anonymous /Unknown