
The Best Self-Help Books [Picked By 200+ Influencers]

Self-help, self development, personal development or self improvement. Call it whatever you like but there’s no doubt that this is a huge area with lots of ‘gurus’ out there teaching and preaching their beliefs. So how do we separate the pretenders, block out the noise and find where the real value is?

By: Kimberly Gan

When Your Dream Kicks The Crap Out Of You

Have you ever felt like your dream has drop-kicked the crap out of you? I know I have. Many different times in many different ways. The worst is when your dream feels so close you can touch it. You can see your dream in front of you. It’s real. It’s happening. Then it smirks and […]

By: Paul Angone

We Are All Wonder Women

There are many elements of Wonder Woman that anyone can identify with, particularly those who have fought an eating disorder or body image issues. Here are some reminders of the iconic attributes of Wonder Woman that Patty Jenkins brought to the big screen.

By: Proud2BMe