In This New Year, Realize You Determine Who You’re Going To Be, No One Else.

December 31, 2024 | Posted at 1:44 pm | by Riley (Follow User)

One of the only ways for you to change the direction of where you’re headed in life, is to change what you believe about yourself.

When you change your thoughts about yourself, you are able to determine who it is that you’re going to be and how it is that you will get there. However, what many of us fail to realize is that we are only ones who can determine who we’re going to be, no one else. We simply must be wiling to change our beliefs about ourselves.


But it’s when we don’t take the time to change our thoughts and determine who it is that we’re going to be, that things usually go sour. For instance, if you allow circumstances, situations, and people to prevent you from becoming all that you are capable of being, then you may still end up on a path that you never wanted to take. We have to realize that we determine who we’re going to be, no one else. I do understand though that this can be hard to do.

When I was younger, I often allowed other people’s opinions of me to determine what I believe about myself. I took in what they said about me. I believed that their words were true. I especially listened to the people closest to me or so-called friends (these people later turned out not be true friends). These situations only resulted in my having negative thoughts about myself and my becoming my own worst enemy.

What I’ve realized (and what I hope you take in this new year) is that you cannot allow the opinions of others to become your own. You also can’t allow anything to prevent you from becoming all that you are capable of becoming. And most of all, you can’t allow other people’s opinions of you become your reality.

Take the time right now to decide who it is that you are going to be and what you believe to be the best ways of getting there. Sure, at the beginning of every year, it’s easy to get caught up in old habits. It’s also easy to not change what you believe about yourself or to take action. However, changing your thoughts and taking action are the only ways that you will fully discover who you are capable of becoming.

As someone once said, “You are where you are because of who you are, and if you are going to get somewhere else, then you are going to have to make a change in yourself.”

I agree.