In The Words Of Steve Jobs: ‘Put A Dent In The Universe’

August 2, 2015 | Posted at 10:23 pm | by Christianne (Follow User)

I am always amazed at the wisdom that I can take away from watching a children’s movie. 


It never fails, every single time I pop in my favorite Disney movie from the 90’s I learn something new about life.

Yeah… so I know that it may sound a little cheesy, but you know that deep down inside you feel the same way! This past weekend I watched The Lorax for the first time. Although I was confident that the movie would be good, I wasn’t expecting one line from the film to leave such a lasting impression on me.

For those of you who haven’t watched the movie, this column is not a spoiler by any means, so don’t worry! But to give you a little preview, the movie’s message underlines the importance of taking care of the environment.

Okay, so back to that quote!
At one point in the movie, one of the characters explains to another character about the significance of his contribution to the particular mission at hand. He says, “Because, unless someone like you cares a whole awful lot, it’s not going to get better.” Immediately after hearing this line, I found my hand automatically grab a pen and paper to write it down. As the movie progressed, my eyes kept going back to the quote.

It got me thinking: it’s up to us to make this world a better place. Sure, we’ve all heard this before. But just stop and think about it for a minute. Soak in the reality that each and every one of us was put on this earth to make a difference. Each of us has the power to put a dent in the universe, like Apple Founder and CEO Steve Jobs once said. Each of us does

If we all cared as much about preserving the environment, working towards world peace and caring for the poor as much as we care about changing our Facebook status, texting, Tweeting or taking a new picture for Instagram (just to name a few), then I’d say our world would be in way better condition than it’s currently in.
All it truly takes is for one person to care enough to want make a difference, and to then act on that desire.
We are all equipped with the intelligence and drive to make a positive difference. You can plant a tree in your neighborhood, volunteer at your local soup kitchen or animal shelter, or even start a blanket drive for the homeless. Whatever your idea is, just know that like the character in the movie reminds us, “Unless someone like YOU cares…it’s not going to get better.”
God put you on this earth -during this specific time period- for a special mission that’s only made for you. Therefore, tap deep into yourself and uncover the incredible potential that lies inside of you. You are the key that can unlock the door to better days for this amazing world we live in.
Maybe you’re destined to be the next political leader who will lead the way for peace or the doctor who will cure an incurable illness. Or maybe you’re the teacher who will inspire a student to strive for a better life.
Regardless of what you could become, you’ll never know the differences you can make unless you choose to CARE… There just four letters that can unlock endless possibilities.



“Because, unless someone like you cares a whole awful lot, it’s not going to get better.”

~Dr. Seuss