In Life, Are You The Passenger Or The Pilot?

November 4, 2015 | Posted at 3:23 pm | by Ashley (Follow User)

In life, you are either a passenger or a pilot. It’s your choice.

Yet, too many times we allow other people to lead our lives for us. We allow other people to dictate to us all that we are capable of becoming; to place limits on what we can achieve and practically lead our lives for us. For many us, if our lives were a plane, we would be the passenger, not the pilot.

But being a passenger in life often only hurts us in the end.

It dodges us from tapping into all that we are capable of achieving. This is why in life you have to be the pilot of your life.

Sure, you will make mistakes and have your sharing of learning along the way. However, at least at the end of the day, you will feel a sense of fulfillment in who you are and in the life that you lead. Each night, you can look yourself in the mirror and be content with the person who you have become.

We must realize that we have to stop letting society, friends, family, and whoever control our lives. We have decide who we are going to be; the impact that we want to have; the life we want to lead. And most importantly, we have to make the distinct choice of deciding whether we will be the passenger or the pilot of our lives.


Being the pilot of your life means that you have decided to go after the purpose that has been placed within you and to seek to fulfill it. Being a pilot doesn’t mean that your life will be always be without turbulence. In fact, you are likely to encounter little “maydays” along the way.

Yet, with each mayday, you’ll have the courage to know that there is nothing that can overtake you. You will be brave in facing whatever clouds that might come your way.