Implementing Printing in Your Marketing Strategy

January 15, 2019 | Posted at 10:20 am | by Sofia (Follow User)

Perhaps the title got you wondering how this is really possible, and why on earth should you go for print advertising while the whole world is raving about social media and online advertising. Well, the reasons for printing having a vital role in your marketing campaign are plentiful. After reading this text, you are bound to call your marketing team and see where you stand with print advertising. So, let’s get started.


Influencers love it

It may seem as if the whole world was ruled by influencers from various social media. They get incredible amounts of attention and followers watch their every move and recommendation closely. The recommended product or service becomes an instant hit! But, who rules the influencers?


As opposed to the online world they are playing with, influencers are actually influenced the most by the printed media. That’s right. 51% of influencers put their trust in magazines, while 53% find inspiration in newspapers. So, all those giveaways, tutorials and recommendations can be tracked down to a printed advertisement, not a website.


It’s more trustworthy

We started reading news online a long time ago, but we are at the same time overwhelmed with so much information offered on different websites that we have seriously started to doubt their credibility. Social media is full of information that may or may not be 100% true (just think about all the Facebook announcements and shares).


On the other hand, a printed publication is positively associated with reliability and truth, even on a subconscious level. To this end, if you put your commercial in a magazine, you are bound to generate more leads and achieve greater sales.


Print is exciting

Let’s say you are trying to convince someone to endorse your product. Or to put it in another way, would you be more excited about an interview which is going to be published online, or in printed form? As we have just mentioned, printing is considered more reliable, and more durable, too. Moreover, this perception is unlikely to change anytime soon. No matter how much we use Instagram, it’s more appealing to have your product advertised in print form. Perhaps on a billboard. As true showstoppers, the most creative billboards certainly got their message across.


Unplugging is the new fashion

Slowly but surely, people are beginning to realize how much stress is caused by constantly being online. After the whole craze about having an internet connection wherever you are, the latest trend that has taken off recently is unplugging, as it is extremely calming and unwinding. Using mobile phones, computers or even watching TV is strictly forbidden.


In such cases, if they wish for some entertainment as well as some peace and quiet, people usually reach for the newspaper or a magazine. Having a physical connection to an object, be it a printed picture or a novel or newspaper, is something that is still highly valued in the world today.



It’s more memorable

A study has shown some interesting facts. Namely, it appears that we are more inclined to memorize a piece of information if we read it in a printed form. Students were given their study materials on computer screens and on paper. Guess who got higher scores? Amazingly, when we compare printed ads to digital ones, the former has some 70% higher recall.


Basically, by introducing printing to your marketing strategy you will definitely boost your sales due to the fact that your brand and message will be immediately distinguished from the rest. People will simply remember it more easily than something they see/read online. Of course, not all printers are created equal and choosing the right printer for the job is just as important. For the best results you want to concentrate on machines with a greater number of ink cartridges (think more ink, more resolution), but do not forget that the printer is only half the equation, where the choice (and quality) of paper will do just as much to faithfully reproduce your graphics in print form as the colours in the cartridges (especially considering photographic prints).



So far we have focused on magazines and newspapers, but printing can be done on other materials as well, especially objects used for promotion. Even though there is a whole plethora of free notebooks, pencils, pens, brochures, or memory sticks, they still seem to do the trick.


One of the most efficient promotional tools is having your logo printed out on a mug. Indeed, sometimes the simplest solutions are the best. A mug is relatively durable, and it’s definitely eye-catching. This is something you take with you when you are working at the desk or having meetings. A pretty ordinary object, but a very effective one when it comes to promotion. And holding invigorating drinks, of course.


Wider audience

There are several fun facts about so-called junk mail. First of all, hardly anyone opens email ads. Figures show print ads are 10 to 30 times better than their email counterparts in this respect. Secondly, nowadays there is less printed material in your mailbox, so you are more tempted to take a look since it seems more precious. And that’s when they get you!  85% of consumers read their mail on a daily basis, with as many as 40% of them being triggered to action as a result of what they’ve read or seen in print.


As you can see, printed advertising works like a charm. Remember how we were afraid that one day there won’t be any need for books to exist? And yet, they are still not going anywhere. This is basically the same case. If you haven’t already, now is the ideal time you and your marketing team focused on printing as the best way of retaining and attracting customers.