If You Want To Make A Change In Your Life, Make A Change In Yourself

January 15, 2015 | Posted at 2:30 am | by Corinne (Follow User)

The beginning of the each year is always a time of reflection for many people.

They recognize the sense of renewal, rejuvenation, and rebirth that the New Year can bring. They reflect on the past year and think about the changes that they would like to make in the upcoming year.

But for me, New Year’s Day doesn’t have the same meaning.

Last year, I detailed how I no longer make New Year Resolutions here. I find instead making goals more productive. This year, I watched social media explode with “New Year, New Men.” Apparently, this is the year of many blessings and promises of God coming into fruition.

It really got me to thinking: Why is the New Year such an important time for making changes?

At any point during the year, you can decide to make a change in your life. A new season, a new month, and new days are all good times to make changes. Whenever you feel the need to change something in your life, then it is a good time to do so. You don’t need to wait until the New Year.

Nature doesn’t even wait until the New Year to make a change; season change four times a year in a constant cycle of death and rebirth… which leads me to the thought of promises and blessings from God.

Nature is one of God’s blessings to mankind; something simply being in nature can renew a person’s spirit, which in my mind is proof of that statement. If God does not allow nature to wait until the New Year for a change, then why would He make humankind wait for the New Year to make changes in their lives?

Any year, any month, any day, any hour, any minute, any second is the perfect time for God to make a change in your life; to bless you, to move in your life, to work a miracle.

The start of a new year is a great time to reevaluate your life, set goals and declare God will move in your life, but change can only occur when you begin to make a change in yourself.

[Current Song: Changes by Tupac]