I Wish I Knew This One Thing In My 20s

November 9, 2016 | Posted at 9:37 pm | by Paul (Follow User)

In the movie “The Words” starring Bradley Cooper, he’s in his twenties and his dream is to become an author. So he works long, painful hours late at night on his passion project, a book.

After years of writing and working, he submits the manuscript to agents and the rejection letters begin to trickle in. Some agents read it and think it’s well done, but he still can’t get anyone to take a chance on him (to say I could relate to this movie would be an understatement).

So one day, he ends up stumbling across a manuscript someone else wrote stuffed in an old briefcase. He then plays it off as his own writing and gets the book published, which becomes an international best-seller.

For the rest of the movie he’s then plagued with anxiety and an overwhelming ache because people praise him for words that were never his.

He took the shortcut, and it nearly kills him and all his relationships because of it.

If Only I Knew Now…

How many times in my twenties did I pray for that shortcut to magically appear. Not an unethical one, but just a clearer, quicker path to reach my dreams.

I mean, no one yearns for life to be incredibly hard. No one cries out to God “to be blessed” with incredibly difficult trials that will stretch and pull you until you feel like breaking.

No, for most my twenties I was crying out to God, “Can you throw me a freakin’ bone here!”

But as I look back on my twenties, and especially the ten years it took me to see my new book come to life, I wish I could’ve realized this one thing:

The worst thing that could’ve happened to me in my twenties would’ve been if the road to get here was easier…

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