HUSTLE With FinTech CEO, Ramona Ortega | Raising Capital, Marketing, And Connecting To Core Customers

July 3, 2017 | Posted at 10:38 pm | by Bryant (Follow User)

Starting a FinTech company is not an easy feat for anyone to undertake, but for Ramona Ortega the CEO and Founder of My Money My Future,  it’s her unrelenting passion that drives her to make a difference and that very attribute that has propelled her into the national spotlight. My Money My Future has been featured in Forbes, Entrepreneur, and Tech Crunch and Ramona has given The Millennial Entrepreneur Podcast an exclusive 1:1 interview where we discuss raising capital for your startup, marketing your company the right way, and really connecting with your core customers to build a great community. 

What I really enjoyed about this particular episode is the energy that Ramona brings. With her background as a Wall Street lawyer, journalist, and social activist she really came across as a person genuinely hungry to make change happen, and is legitimately capable of doing so.  I particularly wanted to ask her how she is differentiating her company from all the other FinTech startups out there, particularly Robo-advisors and the like. You’ll have to listen to her articulate her response, but in a nutshell, it comes down to what problem she’s aiming to solve and for which group of people that problem applies to.

Many FinTech startups are seeking to target millennials (I’m looking at the Wealthfronts and the Betterments) who want a modern way of investing, where they have some control over an essentially autonomous service. Ramona doesn’t think this is enough. It doesn’t cover the full spectrum of education she wants, not to mention that she is working towards targeting the millennial Latino and black community. A community she feels particularly needs a service like this. In fact, one important statistic that Ramona dropped was that 6/10 Latinos in the U.S. are under the age of 35, which is the cutoff to be considered a Millennial. I found that fascinating and definitely a number that plays an important role when considering “Millennials” as a generational population. 

We further discussed what it takes to start building a community to really engage with you and start trusting you, options for raising capital as a startup, and tons more. Overall, it’s an excellent episode and I’m excited to share it with the Rizzarr community. 

Ramona mentions several resources during the podcast and I’ve gone ahead and included the links to those resources below (in order of how she mentions them):

Check out the podcast below and leave a comment below if you want to ask Ramona a question directly. 

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