How To Make Long Distance Motorcycle Trips Comfortable

April 1, 2020 | Posted at 2:02 pm | by Tara Berelc (Follow User)

Hitting the road on your motorcycle can be one of the most freeing experiences in the world. Unfortunately, taking a long-distance trip can also be a very uncomfortable experience. It is almost amazing that something so therapeutic can also be so painful after a few hours. Fortunately, if your order a few cruiser accessories online and follow some good tips, you will be ready to enjoy your long trips to the fullest extent.


Stretch Before You Go

Before you even get on your bike, do some stretches. It may feel a little silly at first, but this tip is a must-do. Even 30 seconds of stretching can help to keep you feeling more comfortable and looser throughout the ride.

Make sure to stretch your calves, hamstrings, quadriceps and groin. It is also a good idea to stretch your lower back, beck, and shoulders. Your body will thank you after a few hours on your bike.


Dress Right

First, it is important to wear proper protective gear. Even on warm days, you need a protective jacket, helmet, and pants. Short-term comfort is nothing in comparison with your safety.


Nonetheless, you can find gear designed for every type of weather from hot sun to rainy downpours. For example, you can find plenty of motorcycle helmets with ventilation to let cool air onto your face while you ride. There are also numerous lightweight and ventilated jackets and pants to choose from.


Drink Water

Make sure you pack some water to be easily accessible while you are on the road. For example, you may want to get a saddlebag to keep your water within reach.

Staying hydrated will help you to feel more comfortable throughout your ride. Not only does it stave off the discomfort of getting dehydrated, but it will also help you stay cooler. Your body needs water, make sure to keep drinking.


Consider buying a hydration pack. These wearable packs let you easily drink, hands-free while you are riding.


Take Breaks and Move Around

Sitting in one position for hours on end will be uncomfortable no matter what other precautions you follow. Make sure to pull over for some breaks and move around. This will help to get the blood flowing and prevent your body from cramping up.

This is also a great time to repeat your stretches. Again, this will help your muscles to stay loose and limber, preventing discomfort.


Finally, don’t push yourself too hard. Recognize that your body and brain have limits. If you are starting to feel worn down, pull over and get a bite to eat or even stop for the night. It is safer and more comfortable.


Get Ready For Your Trip

With the right cruiser motorcycle parts and accessories, you can prepare for a truly enjoyable long motorcycle ride. There is something uniquely enjoyable about motorcycle road trips. They are a lot less enjoyable when your body is cramped and exhausted. Put in the effort to prepare yourself and your bike properly. You’ll be glad you took the time when you are six hours into your trip and still riding comfortably.