How to Choose the Best Electric Scooter for Your Needs

April 1, 2024 | Posted at 9:41 am | by Natalie D (Follow User)

If you are an environmental enthusiast, one of the best ways to get around or travel short distances like work is to use an electric scooter. No emission, noise pollution, or other environmental damage. Owning one can be fun as you move around without much effort or paying commute fees. 

All you have to do is charge them to full capacity, and you are good to go. Before you own one, be ready to scroll through the many options available until you get one that will best serve your needs. This is a difficult task since most brands promise a higher performance capability and the ability to address all your commute needs. 

Instead of worrying about selection, this article offers tips to help you select the best e-scooter. With these tips, you can easily select a brand that will effectively fulfill your desires and preferences.  

  1. Prioritize Purpose and the Preferred Use

Owing a scooter can be fun since you can use it as your default mode of transport to visit various locations. You can go off-road for recreation or other daily commute needs if you have an all-purpose scooter.  

Fulfilling all these needs will depend on various factors, mainly the battery capacity and speed. Always consider one with a bigger battery to cover longer distances and get you back home without inconvenience. 

If you have one with a bigger battery, you can go to various terrains without glitches. However, you need a few adjustments or buy one with extra modifications for all terrains. This includes an e-scooter with bigger tires and suspension adapted to different grounds. 

Regardless of the intended use, Electric Kicks has all the options you are looking for, including those unique and suited to different terrains. Once you have a few options in mind, you can compare them to others in the store and then pick the best one.  

  1. Consider Ones That Can Cover Long Distances Per Charge

Charging your scooter every time can be hectic. Therefore, buy one with a higher battery capacity and usage duration. This will enable you to travel longer before plugging it in to charge. In addition, you should consider the efficiency, power consumption, and charging duration. 

It makes no sense to have a scooter with a bigger battery capacity but cover a similar distance as others with a smaller capacity. The difference lies in the efficiency and energy rating. Higher-efficiency scooters can cover long distances even with a smaller battery pack.  

When ordering the scooter, consider energy efficiency, which is normally optimized by the different features installed. These scooters are cost-efficient because you do not have to charge them constantly. Depending on the usage and distance you cover, you can charge them once every three or two.  

  1. Buy the Most Energy Efficient-Scooters

Performance is everything when you are considering your first or replacement scooter. Once you understand the terrain and environment, consider other features of high-performance and all-terrain electric scooters. 

Generally, a scooter can go fast, depending on the battery output. Before considering the performance metrics, why not consider the desired use or the terrain? If you live in a hilly area with steep and rough terrain, you need one with an output of about 350W. 

You must also be ready to charge them frequently, especially if you use them for long commutes and heavy duty. If you don’t want to charge frequently, buy ones with big batteries that will last you days. Also, the environment where you ride will decrease the battery range.  

There are different ways to extend the range so that you don’t have to pay more charging costs. For that, you can buy high-efficiency scooters. They have limited energy-efficient lights to ensure the battery power is mainly concentrated on the motor to ensure fast speeds. Finally, the speed varies between different models and their wattage capacity.  

Regarding speed, 30mph should not be bad; however, you need to abide by local speed laws when using a scooter. 

  1. Focus on the Integrated Safety Features

Accidents on scooters are just as bad as car or bike accidents. Since your body is more exposed, there is a higher risk of accident, disability, or severe injuries. One minute, you are on the scooter having fun, and the next, you are flying, hitting people, buildings, vehicles, and barriers. 

To be safe, pay attention to the type of tires, suspension, and brakes fitted on your scooter. Also, mind your speed limits to avoid collisions with people, buildings, and cars. You need to be extra careful when the ground is wet or snowy. You can easily lose traction and get into an accident.  

  1. Weight and Capacity

This should be among the first considerations since it greatly affects scooter performance and delivery.  

Besides your weight, a scooter’s weight matters in maneuverability and portability. Lightweight scooters are much easier to control and operate than heavy and bulky ones. However, the heavy ones can offer a good grip and stability when riding on wet and rough surfaces.  


The decision on the best scooter shouldn’t be hectic, especially if you know your needs. Next, consider key features like battery size, wattage, range, safety, and e-ratings. Be ready to make some sacrifices and trades during the selection. If it doesn’t meet all your needs, you can always upgrade features like battery, suspension, and tires.