How Can Cleaning And Organizing Contribute To Your Mental And Physical Wellness?

September 23, 2019 | Posted at 2:23 am | by Ashley (Follow User)

Whether it be your home or your workplace, you should try to clean and organize it. Our environments often reflect our current state of mind, which is why we should work on improving them. Every little step matters. Small adjustments to our environment and routine efforts to declutter will pay off in a myriad of ways.

If you were wondering what sort of change you can expect, look no more. Cleaning our surroundings and organizing our lives can even help us do our tasks with excellence. Here are a few benefits that you can proudly welcome in your life.

It clears space and increases focus

According to a study by NCBI, multiple visual stimuli compete for neural attention. In other words, clutter may encourage you to be distracted. If you want to increase your focus, you should clear space and remove distractions for things that truly matter. We have a limited reserve of attention available for use and clutter may be consuming it all by disrupting us.

Do you find yourselves consistently procrastinating? Perhaps you need a little bit of stimulus reduction. Whether it be your home or your work desk, make a conscious effort to declutter. It will help you in the long-run by significantly improving your performance. You will be able to direct your attention where it matters.

You will feel happier

Let’s face it; searching for something is frustrating. Do you remember having a shirt that you can never seem to find? Perhaps the clutter is to blame. When we have excess things in our home, we are often unable to find those that matter. Therefore, it may be time to let go of things that you don’t need.

Decluttering your house is a challenging task. However, some structure to your cleaning process can be conducive. According to Marie Kondo, you should go through your things one-by-one, keeping only those that spark joy. Her organizing prowess and this KonMari method inspire millions to keep their house cleaner. Whatever you do, don’t forget to use this method to have a happier and healthier house.

Reduces stress and anxiety

When you clean your environment, you reduce the number of stressors available to bother you. Imagine having a guest over when your house is a literal mess. You’ll probably be embarrassed by their arrival and regret not cleaning your home earlier. Instead of being stuck in an embarrassing situation, you should plan things out in advance.

Life habits like cleaning and organizing hold the potential to prevent stress and anxiety. Did you know that cleaning offers some therapeutic benefits? Don’t rush through your chores without paying attention to what you do. Being more mindful about the experience is recommended as it will leave you in a relaxed and meditative stance.

Helps you cope with depression

We often underestimate how vital a clean environment is for our mental health. One study found out that women with cluttered houses are more likely to report a more depressed mood over a day. On the other hand, women with homes that are cleaner and organized experienced reduced depressed moods. Clutter can make a hell of a difference.

When you are more organized, you feel you have a higher level of self-control. Regardless of whether it be scheduling your tasks or organizing your shelves, you will feel better. Self-restraint is a skill that can significantly improve your ability to cope with depression.

The quality of your sleep will improve

Any small steps we can take to improve our life should be executed. Have you ever found yourself unable to sleep because you are worried about some tasks? Perhaps you can use a planner. Record the goals you have in your mind for the next day and schedule them as this will help calm you down. Moreover, they will also help you feel a higher level of self-control.

A clean bedroom can improve the quality of your sleep. You don’t believe it, do you? According to the National Sleep Foundation, whoever make their beds every day is more likely to have a good night’s sleep. Proper sleep prepares us for the next day and primes us to be more productive. Therefore, there is no compromising on the matter of sleep.

Prevents illnesses

The presence of dust can severely impact people who have conditions like asthma. They often have to get medical attention. Dust particles can cause severe allergies and be troublesome. When it comes to mold, you must have none at your home. You don’t want to know the sort of illnesses you can catch from this fungus powerhouse.

A messy and unorganized house is full of clutter, mold, and dust. The issue with clutter is that bed bugs love to hide in them. They look for secluded spots and may cause allergies so use a bed bug home spray if needed. Moreover, they can even destroy your quality of sleep as they love to prey on human blood. A clean house will protect you and prevent you from catching diseases.

You will stop procrastinating

Being productive and efficient in your tasks feels great. But when you have too many things around you, you waste time looking for what you need and procrastinate. You would be surprised by how your productivity increases after decluttering. According to a study, chronic procrastinators reported too much clutter in their homes.


On the other hand, you will also procrastinate if you have too many tasks haunting your mind. Planning is crucial as it will calm your nerves and set the right expectations. When you know what to do and where the items you need are placed, you will succeed in your tasks.

Helps you stay in shape

Who doesn’t want to be in good shape? One study by new info states that people become physically active when they strive to keep their homes tidy. It may also be the other way around; people who keep their homes tidy tend to be fitter. Nevertheless, physical activity is desirable as it reduces the likelihood that you will develop risk factors for cardiovascular disease.

You don’t have to go to the gym to become healthier. You can even start at home. All you have to do is clean your house and organize yourselves. Clean your kitchen, clean your fridge. Pay attention to hygiene, and it will pay off. It is the least you can do for your wellbeing.

Final Thoughts

Your environment reflects your mind. If you have a dirty and messy table, your thoughts will be muddled too. Therefore, you should strive to have a clean and hygienic environment. Pay attention to the cleaning process as it is therapeutic and schedule it every month or so. You will stop procrastinating and will be satisfied with your mental and physical well-being.