How Bad Do You Want It? (Success)

December 5, 2015 | Posted at 11:55 am | by Sam (Follow User)

Are you willing to fight for what it is that you want to achieve?

How bad do you really to want to achieve that big dream or goal? How many times will you get back up after you get knocked down?

And, how hungry are you?

I mean, are you hungry enough to get back up? To sacrifice…To work day and night…to not give up on yourself…to keep trying…to lose yourself…to cry to yourself…to pity yourself….to question yourself…to face defeats…to feel alone…to feel like not enough…to feel like you can’t do it…to get in too the deep? Too deep?

Well, how bad do you really want it?

Everything that you’ve ever wanted is on the other side of fear. Doubt. Hard work. Discouragement. Setbacks. Defeats. Blood. Sweat. Tears. And more. Everything.

But it’s all up to you. It’s all up to you in deciding whether or not you want what you want bad enough to keep going for it and to keep trying, no matter.

REPEAT: No matter what.


In life, you’ll find that the winners, the overcomers, the takers, the legends, and the successes all decided how bad that they wanted to achieve something. They never gave in. They never caved it. They never quit.

They just gave it their all. They gave what they were working towards everything that they had, regardless of the naysayers, regardless of the giants, regardless of the losses, regardless of the hopelessness, regardless of the negativity, regardless of the things that came against them. They just kept going. They kept being unstoppable. Undefeated. Unwilling to back down.

Now that relentlessness, that courage, that determination, and that perseverance are what distinguish this group above the rest. These are what make them legendary. These are what make them the people who we remember today.

They decided that they wanted it badly enough over the next guy. They decided that they would make the undying commitment to not give up. They decided that they would not get discouraged. They decided that they would not get defeated. They decided to believe in themselves. They decided to believe in what they felt like they were meant to do. And most of all, they decided that their big goal, dream, or achievement was really worth losing it all for.

Today, stop getting in the way of yourself. You owe it to yourself.

So now my question to you is….