Today, I had a video all set up to send about generating recurring revenue, but it just didn’t feel right to send it out and not acknowledge the current situation we’re all facing right now with this pandemic.
Part of me didn’t want to send out an email all about Coronavirus… we’re hearing about it EVERYWHERE and sometimes it makes me just want to escape it and think about something else. But at the same time, we’re facing a really uncertain time, not only about if we can find toilet roll and pasta to buy but also if our businesses and livelihood will be ok (and of course, our health).
For me, baby #2 is on the way, due in August… I was already feeling uncertain about how that would impact my business… now those worries seem totally insignificant. I’ve also just finished renovating an office… we’ve been in it for a whole 2 weeks and now we’re back to working from home.
It’s funny how things work out, but that’s the thing – we never know how things are going to work out, which is why this is one of my favourite quotes of all time:
“Everything in life can be taken away from you, except for your freedom to choose how you respond.” ~Viktor Frankl
I’ve been thinking about this quote lately and asking myself, “how am I going to respond?” My immediate reaction and feelings towards this pandemic are fear and panic, but then I force myself to take a step back and respond in a better way because fear and panic are absolutely not going to help me one little bit. As Abraham Hicks says, we have to calibrate to the solution, not the problem.
So what is the solution?
Well, no one truly knows. But we do know what the problem is and allowing fear and panic to take control is not the answer – we have to protect our energy.
So, while the below is not necessarily the solution, they’re things I’m using to help me right now, so I wanted to share them with you in case you find them helpful too:
#1 An exercise for disconnecting with fear
I saw Elizabeth Gilbert share this on Instagram and I loved it. It’s to help you bring yourself into this moment and let go of any fear you might be stuck on:
Look at your current surroundings. Name 5 things you can see. 4 things you can hear. 3 things you can feel. 2 things you can smell, and 1 thing you can taste.
When you do this, nothing else exists except for this moment and you can find peace.
#2 Transcend reality to get better feeling thoughts
Our mind is unbelievably powerful, so use it for the better. I know things are uncertain right now, but we can still use our imaginations to experience something else. I’ve been using guided visualisations to allow myself to transcend my reality and experience happiness, abundance, success and health. In my mind, all is well – so I tap into that daily to calibrate with good feeling thoughts. This is such a powerful thing to do, especially right now.
Here’s my Daily Success Visualisation for you to have >>
Allow yourself to reach for these better feeling thoughts.
There’s an amazing book I read called Unbroken, based on a true story and in it the survivors of a plane crash are floating in an inflatable boat in the Pacific Ocean, surrounded by sharks. They have no food or water and so a couple of them decide to use their imagination to experience eating their favourite meals. They imagine what they’ll eat and then imagine eating it and talk about what they’ve eaten and how good it is. Some of them decide that imagining eating is a silly idea because all they can think about is how hungry they are… slowly, but surely the ones who can’t stop thinking about how hungry they are, die and the ones who believe that they will eat their favourite meal again survive.
It’s such a powerful story. We need to align ourselves in the right way.
#3 What can you do?
You may be stuck at home right now, but how we use our time is everything. So for me, I’m looking at how I can use my time effectively, how I can adapt to the situation and what I can do and should do right now to get through this time in the best way possible. We need to get our entrepreneurial minds working to help us look at the problems we’re facing and come up with solutions. We’re masters at solving problems and we need to tap into that part of ourselves and come up with ideas.
I know there is so much more to be said around this and so much support is needed – especially while most of us are cooped up at home, so the team and I are coming up with some fun things we can do to bring us together virtually to support each other… so as soon as we’ve got our plans in place, I’ll email you and let you know what we’ve got going on.
Until then, stay safe!
Carrie xx