Here’s A TED Talk That Might Explain Why Brexit Happened & What’s Next

July 10, 2016 | Posted at 4:45 pm | by Misty (Follow User)

Among many controversial things happening in our world, the big Brexit decision is still causing immense shock and anger not just across the pond, but also around the globe.

I keep seeing countless news stories analyzing the impact of the vote, especially on Millennials. Many British Millennials are upset and at a lost with the decision, claiming the older British have basically shut the door on opportunities they can have across the EU now and in the future. In response to the vote, some Millennials and those of older generations even took part in a petition to get second referendum — which the U.K government recently shot down the hopes of many, saying “…the decision must be respected.” I’m sure there will be more on this in coming days…

From all of my posts, you can tell that I’m a big TED Talks fan. Well, here’s an interesting one that’s quite timely. In his TED Talk, social scientist Alexander Betts -who is from the U.K.- discusses how the vote not only shocked him, but also brought to light some intense realizations.

“I suddenly realized that, looking at the top 50 areas in the UK that have the strongest Leave vote, I’ve spent a combined total of four days of my life in those areas,” Betts says. “In some of those places, I didn’t even know the names of the voting districts. It was a real shock to me, and it suggested that people like me who think of ourselves as inclusive, open and tolerant, perhaps don’t know our own countries and societies nearly as well as we like to believe.”

During his TED Talk, he also provides great post-Brexit steps on how we all can create more liberal, open societies in which we learn to work together. As many of us are looking for answers and justifications for what happened, his TED Talk might provide some perspective.

Why Brexit happened — and what to do next