Here’s How You Can Turn Your Old Home Into A New One

January 7, 2020 | Posted at 1:46 am | by Angelo (Follow User)

Like a computer, our homes also need to refresh. Changing up your home to achieve that new feel can be tough because there are many ways to go about it and how much it would cost you. It also depends on how big the area you have to cover. As tedious as you might think it is, it is doable and can be quite simple.

Little things can certainly contribute to this major cause. Here is how you can turn your old home into your ideal new one:

Upgrade your doors

Start by painting your door with a new color. If it has warm colors, paint a cooler shade and vice versa. Maybe you could even try neutral? Replace your doorknobs and locks. There is a doorknob price, a style, and a color out there for the ones that you want. Consider refinishing if it needs it.

Fix up your windows

Replace your window locks and your windowpane. Dust off the foggy ones and change it up. Oil up the hinges to open and close them easier.

Replace lights and light fixtures

Replace the exhausted lights around the house with new ones. You may also change the light fixtures that house them. Switch up the emission in darker areas to lighter ones and vice versa. Add lights if necessary.

Repair and paint the walls

Give your house a fresh face. Refurnish the walls. Paint them with new rejuvenating colors. Cover up the cracks and dents to make sure pests cannot go through them. Remove marks for a cleaner look.

Update outlets and switches

Modify the outlets and switches in the house and make it cohesive. Use switches that are easier to press, while strategically place outlets to areas that usually need them and also consider how much voltage it can handle for safety.

Change the curtains and carpets

Fold those old curtains and put up some fresh ones. Take off those rugs and carpets and replace them as well. Remember to also check the handles, bars, and hooks if they have to be changed.

Install a new sink and faucets

Replace your narrow sink with a wider one so you can wash more dishes if you need to. Improve your faucet fixtures for fewer leakage problems.

Remove dated furniture

Get rid of any old furniture and other fixtures, especially those that are beginning to depreciate. If there are any ones that you think can be salvaged, do what needs to be done to restore them.

Refinish hardwood

Brush up your hardwood flooring with a brand new finish. Make sure that you use the appropriate stain for a better look.