Help Wanted: Encouragers

April 23, 2015 | Posted at 12:56 pm | by Angela (Follow User)

Encouragers; An encourager is someone who knows who you are—the real you, not just the personality. Encouragers know you are already a pretty cool person and there’s nothing you need do but be yourself. And they’ll tell you that.

Encouragers can be motivators, but primarily an encourager always sees your potential—the Divine spark of genius inside you. They have a heartfelt conviction that everything you need to create whatever life you desire is already inside you waiting your recognition. They always encourage you to follow your dreams and go where your heart leads, but they do not set goals for you or provide a plan. They may offer suggestions for building the life of your dreams—they may even ask a few questions to help you discover what it is that feels joyful to you—but they are not your “coach”. However, they never give up on you, even if you give up on yourself.

Let’s face it — life can be really hard. Life is generally good. We are so blessed in comparison to so many others out there that are suffering in this world. But in the middle of our blessings and goodness, we are still living in the midst of brokenness because we live in a crazy, fallen, chaotic world. Unfortunately as human beings, part of our journey to become better human beings, we experience struggle, pain, disappointment, greed, anger and hate.

There are times in this life when many of us might find ourselves right on the edge… ready to give up on ourselves, give up on our jobs, goals, dreams, relationships, give up on a child or give up on our faith. We might get to the point where we feel like we can’t take it any more. When this happens, sometimes the only difference between us going on or giving up, succeeding or failing is a simple word of encouragement. Encouragement doesn’t mean having sympathy, or feeling bad for someone. The definition of encouragement is: “To inspire with courage, and to help someone to continue, to give aid, support and help.” This help can come in many forms, such as in a friend’s loving presence, a letter, a phone call, or sending our good vibes or a prayer.

We were designed to have authentic, caring relationships. If left to ourselves, we will start going into denial and begin compromising what we believe. Many of us need encouragement to guard against a growing complacency in life.

When you are with an encourager you definitely know it. You feel an incredible enthusiasm for life and your chosen path or purpose. You feel invigorated and hopeful, because you begin to understand that what you think, say, and do matters greatly. You begin to realize that life isn’t just “happening” to you, but rather something you are choosing. You have the power to choose the life of your dreams by doing those things that feel good and right to you. Encouragers help you see that your life can be much more to your liking—that you really are in control. And believe me, this is one major good feeling!

But let me be transparent here as well; being an encourager isn’t entirely about helping others. Through the universal principle of cause and effect, encouragers enjoy some wonderful benefits—primarily, what you give, you get.

Everyone, including encouragers, at some point in their lives experience the duo dream killers known as discouragement and doubt. Encouragers need encouragement too, and they get it because they give it.

What you do for another, you do many times over for yourself in the same moment. However, you cannot be what you do not know yourself to be. You must first give away what you want most in your life, and know with your whole heart that it will come back to you ten-fold. You cannot get back what you did not give away.

If you want people to be kind and understanding toward you, first be kind and understanding to someone else. If you want to experience abundance in your life, be generous and share what you can with others. If you feel depressed, discouraged or paralyzed with doubt, find someone you can lift up with your words of encouragement.

To sum it all up: everyday people like you and me are meant to aid, help, support and intercede for one another by comforting those who are experiencing some type of struggle. When we do, their faith grows stronger and they are motivated toward a more positive life and journey.

I look forward to the day when we are all encouragers and our hurting world has been transformed to one of peace, tolerance, understanding, joy, and unconditional love.

Here’s to the Encouragers of the world! And to those who are becoming them!

Go get em Tiger!