Give It Your All. Your Hard Work Today Is Preparation For Your Success Tomorrow

January 13, 2016 | Posted at 2:14 pm | by Arianne (Follow User)

Working hard towards the success of something that you desire is one of the most humbling experiences. It will teach you, mold you, and even break you in ways that you never could have imagined. It makes you realize that hard work is everything in life.

It makes you deeply grasp and realize that you only get what you put in. That’s why you have to give your hard work your all –every single day.

In order to get something that you’ve never had, you have to work hard at doing things that you’ve never done. You have to be willing to give what it is that you are working towards everything you’ve got. You have to be willing to sacrifice to bring your dreams alive, and not focus on the small things that irritate you or try to stop you in the process. But I know saying this is a lot easier said (or in this case, typing) than done.

Trust me, I know.

We have all gone through seasons of waiting when it comes to fulfilling a dream or succeeding at something. A lot of times, it may seem like it’s never going to happen… like, no matter how much hard work you are putting forth, you are still not getting any breaks. No one is still giving you a chance. The doors still aren’t opening.

On top of that, right now in our young lives, it’s hard to see the end result or to hold onto the bigger picture of our hard work. It’s hard to really believe that it will all work out in the end. And on top of this, the journey to the top is lonely. The journey on the ladder of success is never crowded. Though you may know that your hard work is preparing you for your success tomorrow, you might often feel isolated or wonder if you will ever really make it. Everything about working hard is tough.

But I’ve found that even as you have these feelings, you have to continue to give whatever it is that you are working towards your all. Success does not happen overnight. It’s a rigorous process. Like actor Denzel Washington once said, “Dreams without goals remain dreams and fuel disappointment… Goals cannot be achieved without discipline and consistency.” He’s right. When it comes to anything that you are trying to accomplish, you have to continue to work hard. You have to continue to believe in the process and believe in yourself. You have to say to yourself as you are working hard that you are one step closer, one action closer, and one day closer from seeing your dreams come to pass tomorrow.

That’s why I’ve come to realize that as we are working hard, we have to have faith and trust that our hard work will not go in vain. Even if we are only moving forward inch by inch, we have to trust that somehow or another we will eventually attain the success that we want. Our time right now –in this moment of working hard– is about what we do with what we have…

Our time right now is about working hard, dedicating ourselves, and preparing ourselves so that we can eventually use our gifts to share with the world to positively impact others.


This article is really a pep talk not only to you, but also to myself. Just as much as you may need this, I need this too. I know that we both will get to where it is that we want to be by working hard. It will happen. That’s it. Game over. There’s no strings attached. There’s nothing else required. But we have to continue to give it our all, to be determined, and to never give up along the path towards success. You feel me?