Halloween Costumes To Never (Ever) Wear…And What To Wear Instead

October 23, 2016 | Posted at 1:29 pm | by Proud2BMe (Follow User)

It’s that time of year again.

The temperature is going down, carved pumpkins are coming out and families across America are settling in to watch Hocus Pocus on repeat. For many of us, this is our favorite time of year for one reason and one reason alone: Halloween.

Unfortunately, many of us have trouble enjoying all the fall festivities because this season of masquerading manifests many deeply-rooted racial prejudices. This is done in many ways—some creative and some not so creative.

Here are some examples of costumes that are bound to ruin many of our nights:

(Photo courtesy of Proud2BMe)

(Photo courtesy of Proud2BMe)


A costume that disregards the fact that the Native American population is now a minority due to their genocide at the hands of European colonizers is not “just a costume.” It’s an assertion of privilege and a declaration of racist insensitivity. In general, Native Americans don’t appreciate people parading around in inaccurate representations of their culture when the right for them to practice and express that culture freely has been taken away.

(Photo courtesy of Proud2BMe)

(Photo courtesy of Proud2BMe)


In case anyone doesn’t know, “Eskimo” is a slur. The Inuit prefer to be called as such and prefer for you not to wear their culture as a costume.

(Photo courtesy of Proud2BMe)

(Photo courtesy of Proud2BMe)

Instead, try a pirate costume, loosely based on medieval dress but with a fun and rebellious twist.

(Photo courtesy of Proud2BMe)

(Photo courtesy of Proud2BMe)


Since September 11th, Muslims, Sikhs and non-Muslim Arabs and South Asians have been the targets of islamaphobic hate crimes at an alarming rate. This is not a joke. There is a body count attached to this stigma. And come on, a burka mini dress? That’s just plain disrespectful to the Muslim women who often have to fight to defend their belief in modesty and their right to wear things such as hijabs, niqabs and burkas in the western world.

Instead, try dressing up as…

To continue reading the rest of these misconceptions in this story from our partner, Proud2BMe, click here.