7 Great Reasons To Stop Comparing Yourself To Others

March 16, 2016 | Posted at 9:18 am | by Proud2BMe (Follow User)

Given the abundance of social media around us, it becomes very easy to glimpse into the others’ lives and start making comparisons. Researchers have found some links between Facebook usage and depression; as we’re viewing our friends’ most momentous pictures, videos and posts, it can be easy to start feeling like our ordinary day pales in comparison. Theodore Roosevelt believed that “comparison is the thief of joy,” so here are seven great reasons to stop comparing yourself to others:

1. You have better ways to spend your time!

The time you spend comparing yourself to others can be better used doing something more productive, such as hanging out with friends and family, reading a book, watching a TV show/movie or doing anything else you may enjoy!

2. It’s all filtered anyway.

People are known to post things on social media that show them in their best light, so looking at Facebook and Instagram is an unrealistic portrayal (how many unflattering pictures do you see on social media?). There is always so much more going on behind the scenes than what’s posted.

3. What makes someone else happy won’t necessarily make YOU happy!

Making comparisons to others puts unnecessary pressure on you to mimic your friends’ experiences on social media, when in fact you may not want to follow the same path. There is absolutely no need to add extra pressure on yourself. It’s always better to do what makes you happy than what makes other people happy.

4. We are all capable of different things.

You know the old saying, “We are all smart, but if you judge a fish on its ability to climb a tree, it will go its whole life believing it’s stupid.” Cliché? Sure. True? Most definitely. While you may see some people excelling in the calculus class that you are struggling in or running one mile per hour faster than you are, those same people can’t paint like you can. Those same people can’t pass biology with flying colors like you can. We all have different talents and skill sets. While there is no doubt that some people are better than others in certain areas, we all have our strong points and we should focus on those, rather than fixating on other people’s areas of strength.

To continue reading the rest of these great reasons from our partner, Proud2BMe, click here.