Got The Senioritis Bug? Here Are 5 Prescriptions To Keep You Motivated!

October 3, 2015 | Posted at 8:18 am | by Christianne (Follow User)

So let’s see… If my calculations are correct, it’s been a little over a month since school has been back in session. This must mean that the “honeymoon” phase of being back in class and seeing your friends after a summer apart is slowly wearing off.

Many of you may have been recently diagnosed with senioritis. An illness known to plague students; causing them to feel unmotivated to pay attention in class, do work, set goals and follow through. Maybe some of you are already out of school and yet senioritis has hit you as well.

If this is the case, have no fear. Whether you want to tell yourself otherwise, “senioritis of life” can be cured! Here is a simple prescription of some things you can do to get some pep in your step and regain the motivation you need to pursue your goals for this year, and in turn, make your dreams a reality!

(Photo: iStockphoto/ Thinkstock)

(Photo: iStockphoto/ Thinkstock)


1. Make a dream board.

On a sheet of paper or bulletin board, draw or paste pictures of your goals and aspirations. Put this collage in a place where you will see every day. This way, even in the moments when you feel at your lowest, you will be reminded of your dreams and that you were made for more.

(Photo: iStockphoto/ Thinkstock)

(Photo: iStockphoto/ Thinkstock)


2. Write those goals out with style!

Write out lists of tasks you need to accomplish. But instead of writing it on a random sheet of paper that will get lost in your back pack, get yourself a cute binder or notebook and write out your “to-do’s” in there. Then you’ll have an incentive to pull out the list and start crossing stuff off. Let’s be honest, there’s nothing like a cute notebook and the feeling off crossing off tasks on a list to get you motivated!
Woman eating an ice-cream

3.Treat Yourself!

Hey, we’re human, so it’s only natural to want to be rewarded when we reach our goals. Treating ourselves to something special can keep our motivation going to continue striving for the next goal.

(Photo: iStockphoto/ Thinkstock)

(Photo: iStockphoto/ Thinkstock)


4. Watch or read something inspiring!

We live in the age of YouTube and self-help blogs! So instead of spending the last hour before you go to sleep creeping it on Instagram (because you know you do on occasion), how about watching a motivational talk online or reading a book written by someone you look up to career-wise.

(Photo: iStockphoto/ Thinkstock)

(Photo: iStockphoto/ Thinkstock)


5. Pray or meditate!

Truth is, we can’t stay motivated if we don’t feed our souls first. Prayer and meditation are great ways to stay rooted in who you are and recognize God’s calling for your life. When you stay in communication with God, He will give you the ultimate motivation to be the person He is calling you to be.

So you see, motivation is not impossible! Stay true to who you are and your mission on this earth. And remember, if you follow through with this recommended prescription you won’t be sorry. Doctor’s orders!