Going Through A Hard Time? Lift Yourself With These 11 Reminders

July 10, 2016 | Posted at 5:00 pm | by Carmen (Follow User)

Sometimes, life can feel like it’s pushing you down. Sadness. Bad breaks. Disappointments. Setbacks. All of those things can make it hard to be positive and to believe that whatever you are facing will eventually pass. I’ve been there.

One way to fight through these battles and tough times is to lift yourself up out of them. It’s all about what you believe and what you are focusing your thoughts on. I have found that when I look pass my circumstances and choose to have a good attitude, that’s when I’m able to be uplifted, even before my challenging time may end.

If you’re needing some encouragement today, here’s a list of reminders to uplift your spirit:

1. Realize things are falling together.

Things never fall apart. Everything is working for your good, even when your plans don’t work out the way you want.

2. You have a choice with how you feel.

Don’t ever allow yourself to feel sorry for yourself. Don’t ever feel hopeless, stressed out, helpless, and all of those negative feelings. Choose to have hope and belief in the awesome times that are still to come in your life.

3. Be thankful for the good things.

When we focus on the blessings that we have around us, that changes how we feel about what we are going through. It could always be worse. Be thankful for what it is that you do have.

4. Think back to how you made it through hard times.

When you think back to previous challenges you’ve overcome, it can encourage it. And when you do, remember how hard it was during those times when you were trying to make it through, but yet, you did. And you will with this one. Just keep reminding yourself of how you made it through and then, imagine yourself making it through this situation as well.

5. Remember you are not what is happening to you.

When bad things happen in our lives, sometimes we think “we are” our situation. But this is the wrong way to think. You are bigger than your situation and you are simply passing through it.

6. Put your energy on believing you will get through this period.

It’s easy to focus on the negative things and to have a negative attitude about everything that is going wrong around you. But that’s a waste of energy. Use your energy wisely. Use it to life yourself up and to stir up your joy.

7. Bear in mind this situation is only temporary.

Everything can and will eventually change. The world changes on a day-to-day basis. Believe that your situation can change in the blink of an eye. Stay positive.

8. Life is a consistent learning experience.

Embrace how much of a wiser and stronger person you are becoming from this hard time. It’s through the tough times that our faith and positive attitude can become deeply rooted. Accept and move through every learning experience life may bring you – good or bad.

9. Not getting what you want, when you want can be a blessing.

It sucks when we don’t get what we are hoping for. It’s easy to become discouraged and to feel stuck. But I have found that whenever I don’t get what I wanted, it was always for my good and something better is along the way. Believe the best is yet to come.

10. Cherish who you are and who you’re becoming.

Realize how strong and amazing you are. In doing so, you’re being kinder to yourself and not putting so much pressure on yourself. Everything is going to work itself. Trust this.

11. Remember anything is possible.

If you can believe, have a good attitude, and keep pushing forward, your hard time will eventually pass and many other great things -beyond your wildest dreams- will follow. Stay hopeful and stay positive.