Going Green: 5 Ideas Towards a Sustainable Shower Routine

January 25, 2022 | Posted at 12:43 am | by Andi (Follow User)

On average, we spend 20 gallons of water per shower. Add to that the energy you consume when heating the water you will use for bathing. 

Luckily, you only need to reduce three minutes from your shower time to lessen your water consumption.

That is just one way to have a sustainable shower routine. If you want to do your part in saving the environment, here are five more ways to shower sustainably:

Cut down your shower time

The benefits of taking less frequent showers are many. For one, it will save you money. That’s because the less frequent showers that you take, the less water that you’ll consume.

Showers, by the way, are also the perfect breeding ground for bacteria and mold. These can cause skin irritations, dry skin, redness, itchiness, and rashes. Also, showering too much can lead to hair loss or hair damage because of the excessive heat from showering too often.

By cutting down your shower time and frequency, you can be more sustainable, and you’ll also improve your hair health overall.

Try taking cold showers

In general, a cold shower is a great way to start the day off right and feel energized during the day.

A cold shower reduces your water consumption and saves money on your utility bill. In some cases, it can even help you to lose weight. Cold showers will also make you feel more energized and refreshed after a long day of work.

Aside from that, it’s more sustainable because you don’t need to use up energy to heat your shower water to bathe. Thus, overall, you’re reducing the resources that you unnecessarily use up when you shower with hot water.

Install a low-flow showerhead

A low-flow showerhead is a type of showerhead that uses less water than the traditional one.

It’s a great way to save you money on your water bill and help you to conserve water. Reducing your water consumption when taking a shower can also protect the environment.

Low-flow showerheads use less energy and water, which means you save money on your electric bill and your water bill.

Some low-flow showerheads also have an aerator built into them that can help to reduce the noise from the running water.

Ditch single-use toiletry bottles

Single-use toiletries are items that are used once and then thrown away.

People often think that single-use toiletries are more convenient than reusable ones. That’s because they require no effort or maintenance. This is not always true, though. For example, tampons often come with applicators that make it easy to insert them correctly and make it difficult to reuse them.

Single-use toiletries are a disaster for the environment. They create a lot of plastic waste that will take centuries to decompose. In addition, these toiletries do not provide the same quality of hygiene as reusable ones.

They are also expensive because you can only use them once and then you have to replace them again with something new.

Check your bath products’ ingredients

What are the ingredients in your bath products? Have you ever asked yourself that? Some of these ingredients can be harmful to your hair and body.

There are many reasons you should check the ingredients in your bath products. Here are some of them:

  • You can find out if any chemicals in it could be harmful to your skin.
  • You can find out if there is anything that you’re allergic to.
  • You can find out if there is anything that you shouldn’t use when pregnant or breastfeeding.
  • You can find out what’s in the product and how it works, so you know what to expect from it.

Not only will doing this reduce your health risks, but you’ll also know better if these ingredients are unsustainable. That’s because they can be harmful when released into the environment.

A sustainable shower routine is certainly possible if you try these ideas out for yourself. Not only will you be able to clean yourself without any guilt, but you will also have showers that do not end up harming your health in any way.