“We don’t know everything, and our prophecies are not complete . . . Now all we can see of God is like a cloudy picture in a mirror. Later we will see him face to face. We don’t know everything, but then we will, just as God completely understand us” (1 Corinthians 13:9, 12 CEV).
Sometimes God intentionally hides his face from us. Why? So we’ll learn to trust him and to live by faith rather than by our feelings.
For instance, when Job experienced a lot of pain and despair, he asked a lot of legitimate questions: “Why let people go on living in misery? Why give light to those in grief” (Job 3:20 GNT).
These “why” questions are human nature; we all ask them. We have this misconception that if we understand the reason behind our pain, it will lessen the pain—or at least make it easier to endure.
But Proverbs 25:2 says, “It is God’s privilege to conceal things” (TLB). The only reason you know anything about God is because he has chosen to reveal himself to you. Here’s the truth: There are some things you’ll never understand until you’re in heaven.
God doesn’t owe you an explanation for anything. God doesn’t have to check in with you first before he does something. God doesn’t have to get your permission before he allows things to happen in life. God is God, and we’re not always going to understand why some things happen.
One day it’s all going to be clear. It’s all going to make sense. You’re going to be able to say, “So that’s why God allowed that in my life!” Until then, God wants you to trust him.