Girls Can Do It All!

September 27, 2018 | Posted at 5:57 am | by Derek (Follow User)

As women, we’re not always expected to care about fitness beyond wanting to shed pounds. Athleticism is a skill often prescribed to men, and ladies are left thinking that they can never progress beyond losing a couple of inches off their waist. This, however, is very far from the truth – women can use fitness to become stronger, healthier, more graceful, and to truly enjoy their own power and the way their body moves. Far from just a tool, working out can actually become a lifestyle, and an important part of our journey towards embracing our own skilfulness and never settling for less. Are you looking to get fit and have fun at the same time? For those gals who can’t wait to get started, here are some workouts that are bound to pique your interest and have you rushing to the gym to try them out.


Touted as one of the most relaxing workouts ever, yoga is actually surprisingly good at making you sweat. While the poses are slow and soothing, they require strength and flexibility that most people don’t naturally possess, so you’ll actually have to work hard to get to a certain level. In addition to increased agility and a leaner body, yoga is also a good form of stress relief and it can help fix your posture and relieve backaches, especially for new moms who’ve recently given birth and need some help with dealing with the pain. You will strengthen your core muscles and feel lighter and full of energy.  

Extreme HIIT

For those who are short on time but don’t want to sacrifice the effectiveness of their workout, high-intensity interval training (HIIT) is a great option. It consists of short bursts of very intense exercise that are interrupted with recovery periods, and its aim is to keep your heart pumping. You don’t have to spend two hours at the gym if you want to lose weight because this kind of workout is really effective at burning calories and building up your stamina. It’s definitely not something for people who prefer a slower form of exercise. It’s fast-paced, fun, and perfect for those who are seeking a real challenge.


One of the biggest fitness myths is that women are not supposed to ever lift weights because it will make them bulk up. First of all, you actually need to lift quite a bit to even begin building that kind muscle, and second of all, strength is sexy. A toned, powerful body is a gorgeous sight, and weight lifting is quite good at giving it to you. Building muscle also means you’ll be giving your passive metabolism a boost, and if you want to burn even more calories you can always combine it with cardio. The only thing to pay attention to is having the proper attire – you’ll definitely want clothing that won’t restrict your range of movement and some good sneakers. A proper pair of bodybuilding shoes and compression tights will lower the chance of injury and help you stay balanced, and you’ll have an easier time exercising if you feel safe. Definitely don’t disregard weight lifting if you haven’t tried it before. Most women end up loving the workout, especially because it makes them look and feel strong and toned.


This low-impact workout has some similarities to yoga because it’s quite often used to improve posture and flexibility. It’s good for both beginners and advanced fitness enthusiasts, but it’s particularly great for anyone who’s recovering from injury. It’s slower and more controlled, and good for those who need to build up their core muscles, or people who need to avoid high-impact exercise due to issues with their spine or their joints. However, far from being just a rehabilitation kind of exercise, pilates is very effective because it teaches you how to breathe properly and how to balance your body, and it tones your overall body and burns calories.


Dancing to the heated beats of Latin music? This workout is amazing for people who need some extra motivation to get to the gym – you’ll burn calories, get fit, and learn how to move your hips to sexy dance moves all at the same time! This is such a fun type of exercise that it’s difficult not to fall in love with the energy and the atmosphere that are created in the room as people learn how to move their bodies. For fans of intense, sweaty workouts and dancing, this is a great choice.

Always bear in mind that the best kind of workout for you is usually the one you find the most enjoyable. You should find something that truly appeals to you because it will keep you coming back to it, so take a look at our suggestions and choose something that calls to you.