
Finding The Rainbow In The Rain

“You can overcome anything, if you believe you can.” That has been the mantra that I have carried with me throughout various chapters of my life. It has gotten me through even the most difficult moments.   There was a time in my life that was very hard for me. It was my first case of battling depression and it started when I was 12 years old. It was especially hard for me to navigate because I was just beginning to embark on my life and I was figuring out who I was. It was also during this time that my first eating disorder was triggered.   I was trying to find my purpose, navigate difficult friendships, overcome bullying and become comfortable with who I was. It was one of the hardest periods of my life. I didn’t know why exactly I was depressed. I knew there were a variety of things that I was trying to overcome. I kept trying to push myself through them, trying to see the rainbow amid the harsh realities of growing up. But I think it may have stemmed from trying to find my sense of purpose and being, understanding who it was that I was created to be and figuring out how to become that person.   The struggle of depression mixed with having an eating disorder is a pain that no one should have to face. Having an eating disorder is already hard enough, but also battling with depression and sadness at the same time can make the situation even more overwhelming.   (Photo: iStockphoto) (Photo: iStockphoto) It was during this time of my life that I realized the importance of having faith. For me, my inner strength came from trusting God, relying on family and also seeing counselors in and outside of school. They helped me to navigate through this dark period of my life and to understand that this was just a moment of my life that I could choose to overcome if I really wanted to do so. All of these things were my rock, the coming glimpse of my rainbow in the rain.   They helped me see that I had the power, I had the strength, and I was beautiful and perfect just the way that I was. They helped me to understand that we all go through hard times in life and that is part of life. But we don’t need to allow them to overtake us or make us feel defeated. We can always choose to rise above, no matter how painful the situation or how cloudy everything may seem to be in front of us.   I think this is the reality that I still take with me today. The idea that there is nothing too powerful or too hard for us to bear is something that we can all carry with us. I wholeheartedly believe that we can make it through anything we face, if we have the willingness and the belief in ourselves to rise above the struggles we face.   We must reach out to people around us or to those who could help us. We cannot hold ourselves in silence, hoping for change. We have to let those around us know; that is what gives us our rainbow.     If you or someone you know needs recovery resources and treatment options, please call the National Eating Disorders Association Helpline at 800-931-2237.